West Twp. holiday service planned May 30

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American flag

West Township Memorial Association has announced services for Memorial Day will begin at 2 p.m. May 30 in Moultrie Chapel, at 23577 State Route 172 in Minerva.

The chapel is two miles east of New Franklin, north of Minerva.

A march to decorate graves will begin at 2 p.m., led by Don V. Cross American Legion Post #357 from Minerva. Myla French, fifth-grader from United Elementary School, will recite the Gettysburg Address. Patriotic music and taps will be provided by the Minerva Community Band.

The program inside the chapel will include speaker Frank Kemp of Canton.

Attending veterans will be recognized. Special music will be provided by Barb Burchett. Joseph Ellis will lead the congregation in a group song, and ice cream will be served after the program.

Kemp was the Stark County Veteran of the Year in 2019, and served in the U.S. Marine Corps from May 1966 to December 1968. He served in Vietnam from November 1967 to December 1968, and also served in the Army National Guard in 1971-72 and again with his son from 1987-94. Kemp is a member of Stark County Veterans Commissions Services and is in his second five-year term representing Vietnam Veterans of America.

This article originally appeared on The Alliance Review: West Twp. holiday service planned May 30