COVID Surge Causes Westfield Town Council Meeting To Go Virtual

WESTFIELD, NJ — Due to the recent rise in COVID-19 cases throughout the township, Westfield's Town Council meeting next week will go virtual.

Town Clerk Tara Rowley announced Thursday that both the conference and regular meetings of the Town Council scheduled for Tuesday night will be held on Zoom, rather than in-person at .

The conference meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and the regular meeting will begin at 8 p.m.

The public can connect to the meeting using the following link: or via telephone by calling 646-518-9805, Webinar ID 841 7264 13141#, Passcode 290675.

Any member of the public connected to the meeting can provide a comment remotely during the Public Comment period.

The agenda for the Jan. 25 meeting will be posted to Westfield's website when available.

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This article originally appeared on the Westfield Patch