WH doctor responds to questions about the safety of President Trump’s greeting supporters on Sunday, returning to the White House Monday

White House physician Dr. Sean Conley responds to Yahoo News’ Hunter Walker’s questions about the safety surrounding President Trump’s stay at Walter Reed hospital, his leaving the hospital on Sunday to give a drive-by wave to supporters and his expected return to the White House on Monday.

Video Transcript

HUNTER WALKER: What infection control measures are you taking? And how was it safe for him to drive around in a cloth mask yesterday? And how is it safe for him now to return to the White House where there have been so many cases? How is any of this safe?

DR. SEAN CONLEY So the-- the president has been surrounded by medical and security staff for days wearing full PPE. And yesterday, the US Secret Service agents were in that same level of PPE for a very short period of time. We've worked with our infectious disease experts to make some recommendations for how to keep everything safe down at the White House for the president and those around him. We're looking at where he's going to be able to carry out his duties, you know, office space, and I'll just say that it's in line with everything we've been doing upstairs for this-- for the last several days.