“20 Things No Woman Should Wear After 30″ List Is Not What You Would Expect


Sick of the sartorial police? One Tweeter had the perfect response. [Photo: Instagram/sassymamadubai]

Remember when the only person to tell you what not to wear was your mum, probably as you tottered out the door in a pair of bottom-skipping spangly hotpants a la Kylie circa 1996! FYI she was probably right.

But nowadays your mum is the last of your sartorial worries, as we’re hit with ‘advice’ from the fashion police from literally every angle. And it seems the older you get, the more forceful the fix-it tips from the fashion bods in the know.

So, if you’re slightly over those style do’s and don’ts you’ll likely appreciate this hilarious list by Twitter user Molly Manglewood, which is causing quite the anti-fash furore.

Titled ‘Top 20 Things NO WOMAN Should Wear After 30’, the writer and criminology graduate cleverly points out the absurdity of policing women’s bodies by age, shape, wobbly bits, or anything else.

It’s the perfect finger flick to those style lists from the style police.


Top 20 Things NO WOMAN Should Wear after 30, by Twitter user Molly Manglewood.

1. Untested jetpack

2. Meat tunic in feral dog country

3. Twigs superglued to body in shape of dress

4. High heels if you’re getting chased in a horror movie

5. Deer costume in the woods during hunting season

6. Shirt made of wasps

7. Full suit of armour in the pool

8. Fake bomb vest at airport

9. Necklace made of human ears

10. A sampler of endangered animal skins

11. Cursed amulets

12. Mohair sweater that is currently on fire

13. Police uniform that you stole from a police officer

13. The One Ring

15. Anything covered in chum

16. Fur accessories such as live pet hyenas

17. Glitter eyeshadow that contains botfly pheromones

18. Loafers that are actually just dead seagulls you jammed your feet into

19. Leaky backpack full of cream of mushroom soup

20. Booty shorts with military secrets written on butt


[Photo: Twitter @undeadmolly]

What would you add to the list? Let us know @YahooStyleUK.

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