Whatever happened to Iraq's weapons of mass destruction? Ask USA TODAY

Remember the Bush administration's response to 9/11?

On Sept. 8, 2002, just a year after the terrorist attacks on New York City, then-national security adviser Condoleezza Rice told CNN: “We don’t want the smoking gun (of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction or WMD) to be a mushroom cloud.”

The nation was still raw — fertile ground for the Bush administration to make the case that weapons of mass destruction should never be allowed to fall into the hands of terrorists.

But were there actually WMDs in Iraq? And what was that country's tie to the 9/11 attacks?

The plan then-President George W. Bush had was twofold: Argue that the government of dictator Saddam Hussein had ties with al-Qaeda terrorists, and that Saddam had chemical and possibly biological weapons, and the potential for developing a nuclear bomb.

US Army soldiers wearing full chemical protection suits walk inside the courtyard of an industrial complex they secured which they thought was a possible site for weapons of mass destruction in the central Iraqi town of Baquba in May 2003. The building, which was used as a bread factory, was secured without any incidents and no WMD were found.
US Army soldiers wearing full chemical protection suits walk inside the courtyard of an industrial complex they secured which they thought was a possible site for weapons of mass destruction in the central Iraqi town of Baquba in May 2003. The building, which was used as a bread factory, was secured without any incidents and no WMD were found.

That plan led to the invasion of Iraq. Now a reader wants to know: Whatever happened to those WMDs cited by Bush to justify the war?

I was in Baghdad in the weeks before the invasion and then during the military operations that followed as an embedded USA TODAY journalist with U.S. troops, who crossed from Kuwait into Iraq in March 2003. The conflict lasted nearly a decade and claimed the lives of more than 4,400 U.S. troops.

I share my experiences and what the troops did (and didn't) find as they searched bunkers for potential weapons in this Ask USA TODAY video answer, above.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Whatever happened to Iraq's weapons of mass destruction? Ask USA TODAY