What's Your Business: Twin City Kids

Name of business: Twin City Kids LLC

Owner(s): Alison Keathley and Tasha Riley

Address: 239 E Third St, Uhrichsville


Social media/web contacts: Twin City Kids LLC is on Facebook

Hours: Monday-Friday 6 a.m-6 p.m.

How long in business: Opened May 9

Twin City Kids features a mix of play and learning areas.
Twin City Kids features a mix of play and learning areas.

Tell us about your business ... Alison has been an ODJFS family childcare provider since 2006 with Child Development Associate Credentials. Tasha has been an ODJFS family childcare provider since 2008.

What are the main services you provide? We provide childcare for children 2 1/2 years old through 12 years old. Each classroom is equipped with a math, science, sensory, reading/writing, dramatic play, art/music and block area to promote play based learning. The toddler classroom 2 1/2 to 3 years old and the preschool classroom is for 3-4 years old. The Pre-k classroom is for age 4 to kindergarten eligible and the school age classroom is for kindergarten through 12 years old.

What advantages are you finding with a business in the Twin Cities area? Getting to know members of the community and other local businesses owners. Being able to provide safe quality child care for working members of the community.

What challenges did you face in opening? COVID hit when we were getting the building ready. It made it difficult to find building supplies and contractors and caused many delays.

What else would you like people to know about your business? We chose this location  to fill the need for reliable childcare in the Twin City and surrounding communities. We are currently 1-star Step Up To Quality rated in the Ohio childcare quality licensing system.  We will working towards a 3-star rating over the next few months.

Children get plenty of play time at Twin City Kids.
Children get plenty of play time at Twin City Kids.

Staff includes: Alison administrator/ lead teacher preschool classroom room; Tasha lead teacher school; Classroom staff: Corinna Stine, assistant teacher preschool; Danielle Stine, assistant teacher school classroom; Sophia VonKaenel, assistant teacher preschool; Caden Keathley, substitute teacher; Debbie Keathley, substitute teacher

We have two more employees scheduled to join the team soon.

This article originally appeared on The Times-Reporter: New child care center opens in Uhrichsville