It's what's the Constitution says, not what Democrats think, about Donald Trump | Letters

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It's not Democrats, it's the Constitution

In a Jan. 6 Letter to the Editor, a reader casts “Democrats” as the real threat to democracy for attempting to bar Donald Trump from running for office. The threat to democracy is most heightened by a candidate who refuses to accept the outcome of a free and fair election, who ignores the preferences of the majority of American citizens, and who then participates in illegal attempts to remain in office after his term expired. Such a person is barred from candidacy not by Democrats, but by the 14th Amendment of the U. S. Constitution. The real threat is posed by those citizens who choose to ignore these facts as well as those provisions in that document that remain the foundation for our form of government.

Michael Salmon, Boynton Beach

The debate continues whether voters or the U.S. Constitution should bar Donald Trump from re-election.
The debate continues whether voters or the U.S. Constitution should bar Donald Trump from re-election.

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Let the voters decide on Trump

There is a move among the states to disqualify Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot; the Supreme Court will rule on this matter. I do not question the validity to do so but the reason to do so. Do these states fear that if he is on the ballot he may win? Why supply fodder to his minions that he was deprived from running in a free election? If he is the standard bearer of the GOP, why not have him on the ticket? Allow the American voters to once again denounce him, as they surely will, and make sure we never see the likes of him again. It is not the states who are to deprive him of office, it is up to the American voter. Have no fear, America is too great a nation and its people are too smart to allow a tyrant to occupy the presidential office.Allen Kenigsberg, Delray Beach

Republicans love stock market crashes

Do Republicans realize every stock market crash in the last 94 years happened under a Republican administration? Beginning with President Herbert Hoover's 1929 crash ushering in the Great Depression, and ending with President Donald Trump's April 2020 stock market crash, they all happened under the GOP's watch. In between, we had President Ronald Reagan's 1987 stock market crash and President George W. Bush's two crashes in 2001 and 2008, which ushered in the Great Recession. History shows after every one of those crashes we saw an economic recovery under the Democrats' watch. Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and now Joe Biden, have all presided over remarkable economic recoveries. Don't fool yourselves, Republicans know how to cause stock market crashes and they do it so they can profit from them.

Nelson Solano, Stuart

The Palm Beach Post is committed to publishing a diversity of opinions. Please send your views to or by mail to Letters to the Editor, The Palm Beach Post, 2751 S, Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach 33405. Letters are subject to editing, must not exceed 200 words and include your name, address and daytime phone number. We only published names and cities with the letters.

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Don't blame Democrats for what the 14th Amendment actually says