What's it like to have monkeypox? I spoke to someone who had it.

You've likely read about monkeypox in headlines, but this week, I dived deeper into the diagnosis by interviewing people who had their own experiences with the virus to bring our readers info on what it's really like.

One person I spoke to was Matt Ford, who learned in mid-June someone he had been in contact with the weekend prior was experiencing monkeypox symptoms. The following weekend, intense flu-like symptoms hit the 30-year-old hard. Fever, chills, sore throat, coughing, swollen lymph nodes and sweating through his sheets at night.

After being swabbed for monkeypox at his doctor's office, flu-like symptoms lessened but lesions appeared and became "quite painful."

Dull, constant soreness. Bursts of sharp jabbing pain whenever he moved the wrong way or irritated a lesion.

Not only did I hear from someone who had it, I also interviewed people who got vaccinated against it.

One person who decided to get the vaccine is Will Kellogg, a 29-year-old based in Brooklyn, New York, who said "it just made sense" once he heard there was one available.

"I am a gay man and obviously I know a lot of gay people and spend a lot of time with them. So it just seemed like the most proactive thing to do," he explains. "I can obviously protect myself, but in theory, if it can decrease the amount of cases among gay people, it won't necessarily spread to everybody else."

To read the full story and learn more about monkeypox, click here.

The debilitating condition you likely haven't heard of yet

Though juvenile arthritis affects nearly 300,000 kids and teens in the U.S. – causing issues like joint inflammation, swelling and pain – it is still widely misunderstood or outright unknown to the general public.

In order to help shed light on what it's like to live with juvenile arthritis, I interviewed people with the condition to learn more. Here are some misconceptions about the condition they busted:

Only old people get arthritis: People often think kids can't get arthritis, picturing instead an older person. Or, they assume it's the same type of disease seniors develop.

Alex Guild, 16, says the autoimmune disease portion of juvenile arthritis consists of unique challenges.

"Some kids who have juvenile arthritis have systemic arthritis, where your organs are inflamed as well," she adds.

It's not a "big deal": "I wish people knew how debilitating it can be," says Ashlyn Willis, a 20-year-old student and founder of arthritis charity "Kindness Rocks." "Sometimes people think arthritis is just a little bit of joint pain ... But for a lot of people, it does mean immunosuppressive chemotherapy (and) medications to keep it under control."

It's easily diagnosed: Willis remembers days in her childhood when she would wake up unable to walk. After being rushed to the hospital where X-rays and tests showed nothing, she felt "defeated, time and time again." She was diagnosed at age 8.

"Having a diagnosis is a bit of a relief. You know what's happening to your body, and you can move forward from there," she adds.

To read more, including how to best support people with juvenile arthritis, click here.

Courtesy of Ashlyn Willis
Courtesy of Ashlyn Willis

How to 'summer-proof' your child

July 4 has come and gone, but summer continues. What are the best ways to help keep your kids safe this season? That's what our medical columnist, emergency room doctor Michael Daignault, discussed this week. Here are a few things he says to consider:

How to pick the best helmet: A helmet is absolutely essential for any kid who is riding a bicycle, skateboarding or roller blading/skating. All helmets manufactured after 1999 must comply with the mandatory safety standard issued by the Consumer Product Safety Commission but always be sure to check the inside of the helmet for this label.

For kids who do multiple sports and activities, it’s important that the appropriate helmet is worn for the sport. Bicycle helmets are designed to withstand a single head-forward impact. Skate helmets are designed to withstand multiple impacts over time. Always retire any helmet that has been involved in a crash and buy a new one. 

For biking, there are both hard- and soft-shell helmets. The main difference is durability versus style and comfort. The hard-shell helmet may be heavier, warmer and less stylish but this is not an area where I would sacrifice durability. Choose a hard-shell helmet.

Trampoline trouble: Just don’t. The American Academy of Pediatrics has been firm that only supervised athletes training for diving or gymnastics should use a trampoline.

An average of 100,000 trampoline-related injuries are reported a year based on a recent research study. Falls are the major source of injuries and can result in devastating cervical spine injuries with permanent damage. Bone fractures, concussions and serious sprains are also very common.

If that’s not enough to dissuade you from retiring your trampoline remember that many homeowners insurance policies do not cover trampoline-related injury.

Should kids use wrist guards? Parents should also strongly consider wrist guards for their kids. When thrown from a bicycle or falling off a skateboard, the natural inclination is to place our hands out in front of us to break our fall. In my experience in the emergency room, injuries to the knees and elbows are usually limited to minor skin tears or abrasions. But the wrists absorb a lot of force that can cause bone fractures in the wrist or forearm.

To read more tips, click here.

Today's reads

Today's pet

Meet Obi.

Obi boi.
Obi boi.

Introducing my nephew, Obi! My sister just adopted this adorable orange kitty, and I got to meet him for the first time this week. He's very sweet, loves treats and was thoroughly entertained with the laser pointer I brought him. We can't wait for him to meet my cat Theodore one day and be best friends and cat cousins!

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Monkeypox: What it's like to have it and to be vaccinated against it