Wheelchair-bound man builds solar-powered lift

This man built himself a solar-powered elevator

so he can leave his third-floor apartment despite his disabilities

LOCATION: Timashevsk, Russia

Alexander Yudin was left unable to walk

after a car accident followed by a bad fall

(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) 69 Y.O. TIMASHEVSK RESIDENT, ALEXANDER YUDIN, SAYING:"I was lying with a cast and thinking how to avoid immobilizing myself, how to get out of this situation. My brother laid an internet cable to my bed while I was with a cast, so I browsed, searching for what I could do.”

"You need someone to do it. Even if I get up, one more person is needed for me to get out of the house. Since everyone is at work it was not an option. I thought about it a lot and opted for some sort of an elevator."

The elevator is powered by solar panels attached to the side of the house

The construction took several months to complete

(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) 69 Y.O. TIMASHEVSK RESIDENT, ALEXANDER YUDIN, SAYING:"I did not want to be just lying around at home and waiting for something to happen, for someone to bring me food, or being immobile, just sit at the balcony and look out…Now I got a job, I see people, I ride around on my own, I communicate with people. Communication is life."