Cheapest homes in California? Here’s where to find them — and what’s next for the market

What’s next for California’s housing market? Realtors are saying the first quarter of the year will likely be similar to last — but change could be on its way.

Based on the association’s most recent home sales and price report, last month’s home sales pace was unchanged from the 223,940 homes sold in November. Overall, homes sales were down about 7% from December 2022.

Sales of existing single-family homes in California have continuously been below the 300,000 a month marker, and the association predicts that this will continue throughout the first months of the year.

Last year, California recorded the biggest home sales drop since 2007. However, the association says the loss is slowing which could signal the “market is turning the corner.”

“With mortgage rates expected to come down in the next 12 months, home sales will bounce back as buyers and sellers return to a more favorable housing market. Home prices should see a moderate increase in 2024 as well,” Melanie Barker, the association’s president, stated in the report.

If you’re looking to buy a house in California, here’s where you can find the cheapest prices as of December:

Where can you find the cheapest home prices in California?

The median sold price of existing single family homes in California was at $819,740 last month.

According to the association’s December price report, these 10 counties had cheaper prices than the state median:

1. Lassen County

Median sold price of existing single family homes: $272,500

Region: Northern California

2. Trinity County

Median sold price of existing single family homes: $287,000

Region: Northern California

3. Tehama County

Median sold price of existing single family homes: $305,000

Region: Northern California

4. Lake County

Median sold price of existing single family homes: $315,000

Region: Northern California

5. Siskiyou County

Median sold price of existing single family homes: $331,500

Region: Northern California

6. Glenn County

Median sold price of existing single family homes: $349,500

Region: Central Valley

7. Shasta County

Median sold price of existing single family homes: $355,760

Region: Northern California

8. Plumas County

Median sold price of existing single family homes: $360,000

Region: Northern California

9. Tulare County

Median sold price of existing single family homes: $362,000

Region: Central Valley

10. Kern County

Median sold price of existing single family homes: $374,180

Region: Central Valley

What are the most expensive areas to buy a house in California?

The Bay Area remains the most expensive region to buy a house with a median of more than $1 million for a single-family home.

According to the December home sales and price report, these five counties had the most expensive prices:

  1. San Mateo County - $1,800,000

  2. Santa Clara County - $1,725,000

  3. Marin County - $1,555,000

  4. San Francisco County - $1,450,000

  5. Orange County - $1,300,000

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