Where’s your child’s school bus? Palm Beach County is expanding bus-tracking service

More Palm Beach County parents can now opt-in to watch their child’s school bus, making it easier to know when the bus is arriving to the student’s stop, after the school district added more participating schools to the pilot program in December.

“Here Comes the Bus” is available as a website and app, accessible on a phone, tablet or computer where parents can see the location of their child’s school bus. Students must first be registered to a specific bus route, which can be done through the Register Your Ride 2023-2024 portal, at palmbeachschools.org/Page/1105.

Then, parents can log into Here Comes the Bus with an email, first name, last name, the school district code, which for Palm Beach County is 33000, and the student’s SIS PIN. Not every school in the county offers the program, though.

The program initially began in October. Then, in November, parents with students from 21 different elementary, middle and high schools could participate in the program. This month, the school district added 50 more schools.

The district anticipates a full roll out to all schools by April 2024, according to Shane Searchwell the director of transportation services. If successful, the parents will be notified.

The full list of participating schools is available at the Here Comes the Bus Pilot webpage, at palmbeachschools.org/Page/13737.