Where do tigers live? Tigers have a diverse range of habitats. Here's what to know.

If you have ever had a cat, you know they don't like to take baths. But there is one kind of cat out there that loves to swim and bathe: the tiger.

Thanks to their large webbed paws and muscular bodies, tigers are excellent swimmers.  But that's not the only thing interesting about the majesitc animal: Tigers are the largest wild cat species and share nearly all but 4.4% of their DNA with domestic cats.

But where in the world do these big cats live?

These powerful predators have a wide range of habitats. Here is what you need to know about where tigers live, how long they live, plus other interesting facts about the largest wild cat species alive.

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Where do tigers live?

Tigers live in a diverse range of habitats, from rainforests to savannas, according to the World Wildlife Fund. Tigers can also be found in grasslands and mangrove swamps.

The big cats' habitat spans southeast Asia, India, and Thailand up to the northeastern regions of the continent to China and Russia.

And while that may seem expansive, it's nowhere near the amount of land these beautiful creatures roamed historically. Today, an estimated 95% of lands where tigers once lived are now gone due to human activity.

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How many tigers are left in the world?

Habitat loss is a major factor in the decline in wild tiger populations. There are only approximately around 4,500 tigers left in the wild, according to the WWF, although some estimates put the number even lower.

The most immediate threat to wild tigers is poaching, although some countries have limited resources for protecting areas where tigers live.

There are estimates of over 8,000 tigers in captivity in Asia, with the majority in China. In the U.S., there are approximately 5,000 tigers in captivity.

January 6, 2023: Siberian tigers are fed by visitors from a bus at the Siberian Tiger Park in Harbin, in China's northeastern Heilongjiang province.
January 6, 2023: Siberian tigers are fed by visitors from a bus at the Siberian Tiger Park in Harbin, in China's northeastern Heilongjiang province.

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How long do tigers live?

In the wild, the average lifespan of a tiger is eight to 10 years, according to National Geographic Kids.

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Are tigers endangered?

Yes, tigers are endangered, and they face high risks of extinction in the wild. Around a century ago, 100,000 wild tigers roamed freely across Asia. Now, only around 4% are left.

Additionally, several tiger subpopulations are classified as extinct, including the Caspian Tiger and Bali Tiger. There is some good news, however. In Siberian Russia, there is hope that tigers are making a comeback.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Where do tigers live? Are tigers extinct? All about these big cats.