Which other villains apart from Mephisto could Marvel’s Defenders face off against on Netflix?

So the rumour is that the Defenders consisting of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist will be teaming up to take down the demonic Marvel villain Mephisto. Whilst I can’t confirm or deny that claim, all I can do is suggest alternatives just in case Marvel strike a deal with the devil to completely erase all knowledge of Mephisto being chosen as the show’s titular villain.


The non-superpowered Arcade would make a perfect addition as a B villain to the gritty world of Marvel’s New York Superhero Hub, Hell’s Kitchen. Arcade is essentially a hired killer who traps his targets in a ‘Murder World’ and makes them play a game for their survival, he could be hired by Kingpin or someone else to trap the pesky Defenders and we could get a fantastic two-parter episode watching our heroes negotiate Arcade’s twisted Murder World.

The Wrecking Crew

Not happy with just one villain for a superhero team as daunting as one containing Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist then why not introduce a B-level super-villain team for them to cut their teeth on. The villain team Wrecking Crew contains Wrecker, Thunderball, Piledriver and Bulldozer, four construction themed bad guys who get their powers from a magical crowbar imbued with power by an Asgardian. Honestly this stuff writes itself!

The Masters of Evil

The Masters of Evil are only a narrative step away with their founder Baron Zemo appearing in Captain America Civil War. Whilst he may not go from the big screen to Netflix there’s no reason his super-villain team can’t operate on his behalf. Members of the Masters of Evil include Klaw, Radioactive Man, Black Knight, Shocker and the Enchantress to name just a few, so this team offers variety!

Other possible villain options of course include a returning Kingpin, Dr. Strange villain Baron Mordo and M.O.D.O.K but I could go on and on. Who would you like to see go up against the Defenders in the Netflix show?