While planning for 'new things' in the New Year, recognize and appreciate your blessings

The sundown of this year is just hours away. And already people have made plans, even special plans, for the coming “New Year.” Projected job changes, housing relocations, financial speculations and readjustments, dietary adjustments, family and marital considerations, legal speculations, and social and personal expectations.

Rev. Samuel W. Hale Jr.
Rev. Samuel W. Hale Jr.

Added to those “new” projections are determined resolutions and promises to be unkept. The lifestyles will continue. The mindsets will be emboldened. Yet changes – new happenings, new opportunities – will often be repetitions of the past. Simply because God - the source of life - has been omitted in those prognostications for tomorrow.

How is it that we can comfortably anticipate new and greater things for tomorrow when we have failed to recognize and appreciate the source of our yesterday's and today’s blessings? How is it that we can ignore the source and causes of yesterday’s failures and anticipate new and positive results for repeated faulty premises? How true that saying, “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”

What makes us think that toasting the New Year, while still being inebriated for the indulgences of the past, will assure us a better tomorrow? How relevant and true is Paul’s introspective inquiry affirmed in Romans 7:24: “O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?”

When we recognize that many of our unachieved anticipations have their roots in the fact that the source of our being lies not in ourselves, but in the God who created us and all that makes up our realm of existence. How can there be tomorrow without the decretive and permissive will of the source of today?

If you desire and expect a “new” thing for your tomorrow, then wisdom ought to direct you to seek God’s new thing for tomorrow. Realize it, believe it, or not, all of tomorrow and the tomorrows to come are in God’s hands.

More: Celebrate the birth of Jesus joyfully in worship, family gatherings and gift-giving

All of the political, economic, governmental, social, emotional, mental, personal, and spiritual elements and events that impact your life and mine are in God’s hands. No political decisions, actions, or shenanigans devised by any man, organization, or demonic effort can avoid nor offset the decretive and permissive will of God. And the eyes of God have never, nor will ever, miss any demonic or human effort to thwart his will and purpose for his people. That’s why God assures his faithful believers and followers that he has a new thing in store for us.

Whatever tomorrow’s personal, local, national, and international situations and events may bring, every one of them is and will be appropriately adjusted to comply with God’s will.

Looking at the plight of his chosen people Israel, God declared a “New Year’s Resolution” for those who have chosen to obey and follow him as the lord of their lives.

That’s what God was conveying in Isaiah 43:12: “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”

Whatever yesterday has been, whatever others have done, and still are trying to do; whatever you have failed to do, you are still my child. I have placed you and your present and future in my decretive and permission will. You belong to me. And I am not through with you yet. I will pave you a directed pathway through your “wilderness” situations. As you journey through the “desert” arenas of your life, I will quench your thirsty moments with divine resources. And you will know, you will experience, you will witness, you will comprehend that I will do something new in your life that only I can do for you

Civilla Martin captured the essence of God’s New Year’s resolution in the lyrics of her hymn with these words:

“Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you.

Beneath his wings of love abide, God will take care of you.

No matter what may be the test, God will take care of you.

Lean weary one upon his breast, God will take care of you.

God will take care of You, Thru ev’ry day, o’er all the way

He will take care of you, God will take care of You.”

May your New Year be blessed by God’s New Year’s resolution for you.

The Rev. Samuel W. Hale Jr. is the retired pastor of Zion Missionary Baptist Church.

This article originally appeared on State Journal-Register: While planning for 'new things' in 2024, recognize existing blessings