White and dark chocolate and macadamia cookies recipe

White and dark chocolate and macadamia cookies  - Andrew Twort
White and dark chocolate and macadamia cookies - Andrew Twort

An indulgent cookie recipe with white, milk and dark chocolate, plus crunchy macadamia nuts.

Prep time: 20 minutes | Cooking time: 10 minutes


About 12


  • 55g unsalted butter

  • 300g mixture milk and dark chocolate, broken into pieces

  • 2 large eggs

  • 75g soft light-brown sugar

  • 2 tsp vanilla extract

  • 90g self-raising flour

  • 75g dark chocolate, chopped into chunks

  • 75g macadamia nuts, halved

  • 100g white chocolate, chopped into chunks


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas mark 4. Line two baking-sheets with baking-paper.

  2. Place the butter and the broken chocolate (the mixture of milk and dark) in a bowl set over simmering water and stir until melted. Cool for 10 minutes. Mix the eggs and sugar in a bowl and stir in the melted chocolate and vanilla then the flour. Stir in the dark chocolate chunks and the nuts.

  3. Form each cookie by dropping a generous tablespoon of the mixture on to the baking-sheets, spacing them 5cm apart. Sprinkle the white chocolate chunks on top. Bake until the cookies look slightly puffed and dry – about 10 minutes. Leave to cool on the baking-sheets. If you try to move them before they are completely cold they will break.

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