White House refuses to condemn alleged Kenosha shooter

President Trump won't be weighing in on the shooting that left two protesters dead in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, is accused of shooting and killing two protesters and injuring one more last week as militias clashed with people protesting racial injustice in downtown Kenosha. It was one of very few fatal moments amid protests and some riots throughout the U.S. over the past few months, but not something Trump wished to discuss, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Monday.

When explicitly asked if Trump condemned Rittenhouse's alleged actions, McEnany said Trump was "not going to weigh in on that." McEnany did say Trump may discuss the shooting during his own press conference later Monday evening.

The lack of condemnation comes as the White House continues to blame violent uprisings on Biden despite the fact that Trump is actually running the country right now. Biden meanwhile condemned "violence of every kind by anyone" on Sunday, and again said Trump "fans the flames" of violence on Monday. The Trump campaign seemed to have been plugging its ears through it all. Kathryn Krawczyk

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