Whitley County High School student creates space for prayer requests, bible verses

Dec. 28—WHITLEY COUNTY — A senior at Whitley County High School has taken it upon herself to create a place where students can place prayer requests and their favorite bible verses.

Sophy Jones is a senior at the school who was inspired to create a prayer wall after seeing others do so on TikTok.

The prayer wall features places where students can place prayer requests, leave and read bible verses.

Jones believes that providing this space will allow students to recognize, and see for themselves, that there is still good in the world, even in trying times.

She said, "It is important to have these signs up just to prove that there is pure love in this world...I hope that when people see this through the school that they will feel as if they are loved and that there is more to life."

Jones' mother, Shawna Hughes, is proud of her daughter's accomplishment. She said, "I'm so incredibly proud of her...She has chosen to spread faith."

In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in teenage suicide, which is often attributed to rising levels of depression. Jones believes that providing an outlet, and encouraging students to attend First Priority [club], can help alleviate the issues that some teens face.

Of this, she said, "My goal is to hopefully save someone's life just like (Jesus) saved mine while spreading God's word."

In the future, Jones plans to expand her efforts and work to bring more people to church.