Who's at risk from wildfire embers in Ventura County? A $125K grant will help find out

Plans call for developing Ventura County’s first countywide map showing areas most at risk from blowing wildfire embers.

An ember storm can reach far beyond where flames burn in a wildfire. In some conditions, embers have blown as far as a mile or more ahead of a blaze.

“That puts homes and neighborhoods that are well out of the normal threat (area) within the ember zone,” said Ventura County Fire Chief Dustin Gardner.

The Ventura County Fire Department agreed to pay $125,000 for the Ojai Valley Fire Safe Council to develop the ember cast model and map. The county Board of Supervisors approved the grant at its meeting Tuesday.

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Wind carries embers, and the drier the vegetation, the more susceptible it is to ignite and farther embers will spread, Gardner said. The lower the humidity, the longer those ignited embers stay lit.

“Take prolonged drought, dry conditions and Santa Ana winds, that’s when we see embers fly almost a mile,” he said.

The magnitude of the Thomas Fire highlighted just how far those embers could reach, he said.

After several years of drought, the Thomas Fire started burning east of Highway 150 below Thomas Aquinas College on Dec. 4, 2017. Gusty winds tore through the canyon and embers the size of small hail fell in the blaze that burned 440 square miles in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties.

Two people died in the fire that destroyed 1,063 structures, many of them homes.

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But some of those homes were in neighborhoods away from areas most prone to burning – spots where open space bumps up against houses. Gardner said the fire department started studying why that happened.

The ember cast map could help identify additional areas at risk, he said.

So much of the built environment is not hardened against the possibility of an ember cast, said Christopher Danch, executive director of the Ojai Valley Fire Safe Council.

The map will help show where to set priorities to try to harden structures and communities against the hazard, he said.

Founded more than two decades ago, the fire safe council expanded its mission after the Thomas Fire.

"We found out that a community has to itself have a greater capacity to prepare for, respond during and recover from such a fire," Danch said.

That's what the organization set out to do, he said. Last year, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection gave $2.7 million to a collaborative that includes a half-dozen groups countywide for projects to help prepare and protect local communities from wildfires.

The Ojai Valley organization is taking the lead on developing a detailed map and digital dashboard of wildfire hazards, a vulnerability and evacuation assessment and a wildfire protection plan. Those projects are slated to start in the Ojai Valley area and then potentially expand countywide.

With the fire department funding, the ember map will be developed countywide right away. It is expected to be completed in late October 2023.

Cheri Carlson covers the environment for the Ventura County Star. Reach her at cheri.carlson@vcstar.com or 805-437-0260.

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: New map to show Ventura County's risk from ember storms