Who's running for City Council in Albuquerque? Here are the candidates

Jul. 31—When it comes to incumbents, Albuquerque City Council could be half full or half empty come November — it just depends on your outlook.

Four of the council's nine seats are currently up for reelection. Candidates were recently notified if they were approved for public funding, and should receive the funds later this week.

Just one incumbent — City Councilor Brook Bassan — will be fighting for her seat. Councilors Pat Davis, Isaac Benton and Trudy Jones all decided not to seek reelection.

Bassan, who is finishing her first term as a councilor representing the Northeast Heights, is facing off against Abby Foster, who, according to her campaign website, is a small business owner, attorney and mediator who practices adult guardianship law. Bassan qualified for public funding.

The most crowded race is for District Six, which makes up the University of New Mexico, Nob Hill and the International District. Five candidates remain in the race, after Jonathan "Johnny" Juárez, withdrew earlier this month.

Davis, who has served two terms on the council, announced in November last year that he would be focusing on other pursuits, including his cannabis consulting firm and the several local newspapers he owns.

Benton and Jones have the longest tenures of the current council. Benton was elected in 2005, and two years later, Jones joined the council. After the November election, the average term length will plummet; three out of the four councilors not up for reelection were elected in the past three years.

The majority of candidates are publicly financed. Two candidates — Foster and Joseph Pitluck Aguirre — have been privately financing since announcing their campaigns, and two others — Moises Gonzalez and Jeff Hoehn — decided to switch to private financing.

Candidates by district