Why affirming supports matter for LGBTQI+ youth

As Pride Month kicks off, we often get distracted by the bright colors, fun events, and the overall joy that comes with celebrating this time of freedom and inclusion.

Ever since the Stonewall demonstrations, steps have been taken to improve acceptance and the fight for equal rights continues for those who identify within the LGBTQI+ populations. However, for children and young adults who reside within a family that is not affirming of their gender identity or sexual orientation, Pride can be a challenging time of year.

According to the Trevor Project’s top line statistics, “Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people aged 10 to 24 (Hedegaard, Curtin, & Warner, 2018) — and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth are at significantly increased risk.” The article also states that, “These statistics increase for people of color by 2.5% and highlight the disparities and impacts of historical and ongoing oppression and trauma inflicted on Black, Indigenous, and people of color.”

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For parents this may seem overwhelming, and they might ask themselves “What can I do to support my child?”

Fortunately, there are steps that parents can take to decrease the risk of suicide for their child or someone else’s child. Youth who have at least one accepting adult have a reduced risk for suicide. This is also true for children who feel supported within their communities whether that be at school, within extracurricular activities, or at home. Other ways to support young people at risk are respecting transgender and nonbinary youth’s pronouns as well as connecting with gender-affirming medical care. This can help increase positive mental health outcomes and is shown to decrease the rate of depression, anxiety and suicide attempts among these populations.

Pride MonthA Pride flag won't fly on Norwich City Hall this June. An alternative is in the works.

Connecting with organizations that are well versed in LGBTQI+ informed care helps increase comfortability, providing education, and generating easier access to resources. These small steps can make a world of a difference to someone struggling within the LGBTQI+ community. We all must do our part to ensure the safety and mental health of our youth now more than ever.



For CT youth in crisis: Dial 211, press 1, then 1 again

For all health and wellness needs in SE CT, visit UCFShealthcare.org.

Bailey Smith, LPC, is an outpatient clinician at United Community & Family Services.

This article originally appeared on The Bulletin: Why affirming supports matter for LGBTQI+ youth