Why dementia is killing more women than men – and the ‘silver bullet’ solution

Women account for approximately two-thirds of those who develop dementia - Getty
Women account for approximately two-thirds of those who develop dementia - Getty

While all eyes have been on Covid these past 17 months, a more familiar, far slower killer has remained in our midst. Dementia caused more female deaths last year than coronavirus, new figures show. Yet, somewhat inevitably, the 45,922 women it killed in 12 months have been much further from the spotlight than Covid has.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s don’t only kill women, of course. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures show the diseases also claimed the lives of more than 24,000 men during the same period. One in three of us is expected to develop it in our lifetime and 850,000 people in the UK are currently living with some kind of dementia. But the prevalence is undeniably higher among women, who account for approximately two-thirds of those who develop dementia.

The question is why might this be? As is so often the case, there are multiple factors at play. More research is needed to gain a complete picture, but we do have some answers already.

Women’s brains appear to age slower than men’s. A woman’s brain is on average four years younger than the brain of a man the same age. So it may seem paradoxical that more women get dementia than men. But we know the single biggest risk factor for dementia is age. And quite simply, women live longer than men. By the time you reach 85, there are about 50 men for every 100 women.

With advancing age comes an increase in inflammation, a process of the immune system that goes on in the body all the time but more so as you get older, in part due to the malfunctioning of immune cells. Inflammation in turn contributes to the process of neurodegeneration – that is, the progressive loss of brain cells that begins some 20 to 30 years before a dementia diagnosis.

Another thing that happens as we age is an increase in comorbidities. In other words, we pick up more illnesses as we grow older. These comorbidities affect men more. While women are more likely to report health problems and see their doctor about them, they are also less likely to die at any age. But as they advance in years, these comorbidities they will increasingly pick up cause a growing inflammatory burden on the body, contributing towards dementia risk.

Meanwhile there is another story going on, and it’s about gender inequality. Women aren’t only more likely to develop dementia because they’re more likely to live long enough to develop it. They also carry a greater cumulative burden of chronic stress and life events.

Professor James Goodwin, author of Supercharge your Brain - Penguin
Professor James Goodwin, author of Supercharge your Brain - Penguin

We call this the allostatic load, and it is increased by factors such as poverty, social disadvantage, poor diet, low levels of exercise and poor stress management. Women are more likely to be single parents, more likely to suffer gender-based discrimination, more likely to be juggling unpaid caring responsibilities with paid employment... and so on. Over generations, they have been disadvantaged compared with men, in terms of their economic status, working life and reproductive burden.

All of this contributes to their shouldering a greater allostatic load, which again increases levels of inflammation in the body quite dramatically. Throughout your life, 25 per cent of the change in your thinking skills is due to your DNA. There’s a genetic risk factor for dementia, and if both your parents have it you are more likely to be predisposed to it. But 75 per cent of the way your cognitive abilities change as you age is due to your allostatic load.

It’s not quite as simple as saying the harder your life is, the more likely you are to get dementia. This doesn’t paint the whole picture. But it is clear there is a link, and that allostatic load is an important factor that contributes to dementia risk.

A further potential risk factor for women, and one that requires more research, is the menopause. When a woman enters the menopause, she experiences a sudden drop-off in the levels of her sex hormones, oestrogen and progesterone. Men also see their sex hormones decrease as they age, but for them the process is gradual and some men are more affected than others.

We know sex hormones are essential for the development and maintenance of brain, and in recent years researchers have been investigating a possible link between menopause and cognitive decline. But at this stage there is insufficient evidence that taking hormone replacement therapy will be protective against dementia.

A greater volume of research has been carried out on the male brain than the female one and we could certainly benefit from a better understanding of female-specific risk factors for dementia.

But the good news is we already know enough about the modifiable risk factors to be able to slow down the neurodegeneration that precedes dementia. Researchers have found there are at least 12 modifiable risk factors that can increase the likelihood of dementia: midlife hearing loss, high blood pressure, smoking, air pollutants, lower education levels, traumatic brain injury, physical inactivity, diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption, depression, social isolation and obesity. Forty per cent of dementias can be prevented by paying attention to these 12 risk factors.

But if it’s a silver bullet you’re looking for, you could do a lot worse than to focus on exercise. If there ever was an easy answer to slowing down brain ageing, this would be it. Because exercise is not only good for your cardiovascular health; it is also brilliant for your brain. When you exercise, your muscles produce proteins that circulate to the brain, which ultimately leads to the stimulation of new brain cells. Since neurodegeneration is the progressive loss of brain cells, the more new brain cells you produce, the more you slow down that process.

As an illustration of this effect at work, we know for instance that people who are more physically active have better memories on average.

But exercise alone is not enough. If you run for half an hour and then sit in a chair for the rest of the day, the exercise benefits will be undermined – exercise is not an antidote for sloth. While you’re sedentary, the levels of inflammation in your body build up. So sedentary behaviour is a risk factor for dementia. You therefore have to build constant activity into your daily routine and ensure you are not sitting down continually for more than 40 to 50 minutes at a time.

This can be hard when you’re doing an office job, and it’s important to find reasons to get up from your seat. I used to walk up two flights of stairs to use a bathroom on a different floor at work, just to decrease the time I was sitting in my chair and to keep me more physically active.

The other good news is it’s never too late to make changes that will help slow down neurodegeneration. Scientists used to believe that once the brain had matured, that was pretty much that. But a 2019 study at the University of Madrid found the brain rejuvenates itself every decade. So throughout our life, the brain can undergo the generation of new brain cells, known as neurogenesis.

This can be aided not only by exercise but also by social contact, which is one reason lockdowns have been so punishing for those who live alone. Social isolation increases inflammation in the body. It is absolutely detrimental to your whole health, and certainly to your brain cells.

From 1998, researchers at Harvard University tracked 8,000 people over 12 years. They found in those who said they were lonely that cognitive performance declined 20 per cent faster than those who did not.

Your 40s, 50s and 60s are the perfect age to think about your lifestyle - especially exercise and diet - and whether there are changes you can make. Whether you’re male or female, there will be adjustments within your reach that will give you a better chance of having a healthy brain, now and into the future.

As told to Rosa Silverman

Professor James Goodwin is director of science and research impact at the Brain Health Network. Supercharge Your Brain by James Goodwin is available for £12.99 at books.telegraph.co.uk or call 0844 871 1514

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