Why Governor Beshear and Kentucky Democrats should embrace his moderate persona: Opinion

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Last week's election should be a warning to Kentucky Democrats as the 2023 gubernatorial race creeps closer. Without needed strategic shifts - soon - Andy Beshear’s re-election chances are about as slim as seeing Daniel Cameron walk into a courtroom.

The results of this midterm election emphasized three areas for the Kentucky Democratic Party to adjust, adapt and regain some momentum:

Local Engagement

Especially in rural areas, like my hometown in Hopkins County, the party’s presence is limited - leaving many young people uncertain where to look to organize.

Over three dozen House races were handed to Republicans as a result of Democrats’ failure to field candidates to run. The Kentucky GOP picked up five House  seats - leaving them with 80% of the chamber’s control.

More:Judge upholds Kentucky GOP's redistricting maps despite partisan gerrymandering

Many potential candidates and advocates do not see a strong or engaged local party to motivate their ambitions. In this election, Democrats’ candidate for Kentucky Congressional District 1 had relatively no experience, and his platform lacked real policy ideas. Could Democrats not find someone between Paducah and Frankfort, with an ounce of idea, to run in the race? Doubtful.

By investing resources directly into local communities, KDP can equip those on the ground, and with better community understanding, with the tools they need to expand the party’s reach. While the Kentucky GOP hashes it out in the primaries, KDP should use the next five or six months to organize its digital, outreach and communications resources in order to build regional programs that provide direct resources for local communities to develop and amplify community-specific messages that drive success (a regional re-hype?).

KDP Chairman, Colmon Elridge, recently noted that the party used its “Turnout Project,” to bring out voters for Charles Booker, defeated candidate for U.S. Senate. Even if every Democratic voter turned out, the odds of party gains statewide would have been slim. There is only so much to be done with the support of your loyalists.

Refine a Redefined Message

KDP’s focus should be staunchly on local and statewide races and messages - that means building strategies to drown out the national airwaves.

This deference to national commentary will be particularly crucial as 2023 looms. Austin Horn, politics reporter at the Lexington Herald Leader, says everyone will be “bored” as the impending presidential races build steam closer to 2024. KDP should be prepared to push back against national ID associations - which will require highlighting the rather moderate leadership of the incumbent governor.

This is okay. Nobody thought they were getting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when they voted for Beshear to serve them - he and the party should embrace his moderate persona and be proud of it.

Refining the party’s message will require the party to better understand the electorate. Democratic priorities, particularly our state Democratic Party’s priorities, are popular with Kentuckians - they are impactful. Yet, last week's election proved to be a referendum on Democrats, despite their policy goals. You do not need a JD or PhD to see that something is being lost in the message.

Despite the supermajority of Republicans in the state legislature, Democrats played most of this election on defense. I’m not a sports guy, but I’d think constantly defending the goal post leaves no room for your team to try and score.

More:Kentucky judge blocks two GOP bills seeking to strip Gov. Andy Beshear's power

Governor Andy Beshear, center, greeted volunteer Kevin Whitman at the donation center inside the East Perry Elementary School in Hazard, Ky. on July 31, 2022.  Floods devastated the region which resulted in the deaths of over 20 people.
Governor Andy Beshear, center, greeted volunteer Kevin Whitman at the donation center inside the East Perry Elementary School in Hazard, Ky. on July 31, 2022. Floods devastated the region which resulted in the deaths of over 20 people.

Leadership Introspection

In recent months, the use of expletive language, deferral of responsibility and growing divide between the Party and its de facto leader, have shown a need for new ideas at KDP in order to continue Beshear’s fight for Team Kentucky.

In our effort to regain Democratic strength in Kentucky, we should not fall into the tricks of the Far Right. For instance, the Chairman of the Democratic Party should not criticize hardworking, honest journalists for highlighting the party’s radical primary winner (with nearly 26,000 votes) in Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District. Chairman Elridge’s recent statements on Twitter have included some potent profanity that most would not expect from the state leader of one of the major political parties. This is simply not the Democratic Party, it’s not Kentucky.

Leadership requires ownership, and if the party’s chairman cannot recognize problems facing the party and adapt to do better, the party will not make changes needed to keep the Governor’s mansion in 2023.


As Democrats in Kentucky prepare for 2023, we should keep one tidbit of logic front and center: no majority can ever be won with a minority of support. Republicans blow Democrats out of the water in party registration, and the GOP redistricted strong leaders out to make things easy for themselves.

Democrats cannot win with the same platform, message and priorities that have lost races, seats and power. If Democrats are to continue leading Kentucky’s executive branch, they must find their inner Bluegrass and learn what Kentucky voters are yearning for: government that works for them.

We can’t just provide a vague vision of a time without GOP rule. No, we must use our brushes to paint a future that Kentuckians can envision - can believe in.

If Beshear is to be re-elected, KDP must take an introspective look at its leadership, become innovative with local engagement, and redefine a Kentucky-specific message that emphasizes the needs of ordinary Kentuckians.

Brandon Cooper
Brandon Cooper

Brandon Cooper is an alumni of the University of Louisville and student at The George Washington University Graduate School of Political Management. Reach him on Twitter @brandoncooper_0

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: Why Kentucky Democrats should embrace Gov. Beshear's moderate persona