Why 'herd immunity' is as outdated as 'the earth is flat' when it comes to COVID: Opinion

There is no such thing as “Herd Immunity” for COVID-19.  In this context it is a concept as antiquated as the “Earth is Flat”. The theory was based upon the work of William Farr in 1840 who proposed a bell-shaped curve which illustrated the body’s ability to mount a lasting response to an unchanging pathogen.

As stated by one “herd immunity” supporter in the comments section, “The disease dies out because enough people have been exposed and developed relative immunity or died that the disease has no means of propagating itself on a large scale.”

More:There is no such thing as 'herd immunity.' Why the ongoing dangers of COVID-19 are real

This concept was formulated before science knew what viruses and mutations were. In actuality, many biological systems are highly dynamic and constantly adapting. This is eloquently described in Steffanie Strathdee and Thomas Patterson’s book the Perfect Predator. This work describes the biological dance between viral phages and their bacterial prey, each one adapting and reengaging in a duel, the outcome of which is uncertain. With the exception of smallpox, no pathogen has ever been eradicated from the earth and with smallpox, eradication was achieved with a highly effective long-lasting vaccine.

But with mutating RNA viruses, “herd immunity” is an extinct construct. Even surges of the common cold and the seasonal flu finally subside because of changing seasons. And unlike the relatively stable DNA virus of smallpox, RNA viruses have a much higher mutation rate.

If one looks at the SARS-CoV-2’s (the virus which causes COVID-19) epidemiological curve for our nation, it is a colliding roller coaster and nowhere near a bell curve. We have been hit with variant after variant, Delta infections transitioned to Omicron and now we are struck by a soup of variants, composed of pathogens harboring a plethora of different immune-avoiding mutations, making the concept of “Herd Immunity” next to useless.

Unfortunately, SARS-CoV-2 appears to be the most adaptive and dynamic foe we have ever faced and hoping that the antiquated concept of “Herd Immunity” will save the day, causing SARS-CoV-2 to “miraculously (go) away”, is just pure fantasy.

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Carmen Yune was diagnosed with COVID-19 in January of 2021. Over 14 months later, she is still coping with the long-term effects of the illness and is taking over 20 medications plus vitamins to cope. "I was in the doctor's office and they printed off the list of my medications and it was twice as long as the elderly woman in line beside me," Yune said. March 2, 2022

SARS-CoV-2’s high mutation rate is amplified by its extremely high infectivity. The CDC estimated that the Delta Variant was as infectious as chickenpox, which has an R0 of 10 to 12. Newer variants have evolved into some of the most infectious pathogens known to man. As the virus spreads it mutates. And as it mutates it increases its ability to infect, evade our immunity and even attack our immune system.

Evidence is mounting regarding the immune dysfunction caused by SARS-CoV-2. We are seeing a dramatic rise in hospitalizations for the seasonal flurespiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and even scarlet fever. The increase in RSV hospitalizations has been blamed on immunological weakening due to the enactment of measures such as masking. (Of course to argue this point, one also has to admit masks work.) However, through the end of November 2022, the United States had correspondingly less RSV infections than in the previous year, when an RSV surge was also seen.  Germany also had a surge in RSV hospitalizations last winter, and now is seeing overwhelming RSV hospitalizations.

Not only does SARS-CoV-2 evade and attack our immunity, but what immunity is produced is fleeting.  The virus also resides in a variety of animal hosts where it can mutate and then reinvade the human population. Transmission of a mutated virus from white tail deer to humans has been documented and there is evidence that Omicron originated in rodents then jumped to humans in South Africa.

The dangers of Long COVIDpersistent cardiovascular diseaseblood clots and a plethora of mental problems caused by COVID-19 were all documented in 2020, well before vaccines. These dangers are real and are adversely affecting the health of our workforce and our communities.

Our goal must be to decrease pathogen spread so society can function, with infections decreasing to a level that we can live with the virus. In this regard, it appears the virus is currently winning.

We need to embrace vaccinations, the use of N95 masks in crowded venues, along with home delivery, curbside pickup and outside dining. Indoor air quality must be improved to the point where it is safer indoors than it is outdoors.

If we continue to be a society focused on individualism rather than community or public health I am afraid we will lose this fight. We need a paradigm shift in the way we strategize to control COVID-19, away from “herd immunity” and towards adapting our lives to live with this highly dynamic and constantly adapting foe.

Kevin Kavanagh is a retired physician from Somerset, Kentucky, and chairman of Health Watch USA. ​​​​​​​
Kevin Kavanagh is a retired physician from Somerset, Kentucky, and chairman of Health Watch USA. ​​​​​​​

Kevin Kavanagh is a retired physician from Somerset, Kentucky, and chairman of Health Watch USA.

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: Why 'herd immunity' is as an outdated concept when it comes to COVID