Why Memphians should show their giving spirit to help a Tanzanian medical clinic | Opinion

I’m part of a group of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church parishioners working with Catholic sisters in Tanzania to renovate a medical clinic in the village of Kifuru. We're raising money through a Sept. 10 Taste of Tanzania fundraising dinner and a crowdfunding campaign.

The clinic will be able to serve about 900 people a year in Kifuru and in surrounding rural areas. The clinic will also provide maternity and pediatric care to young mothers and their children.

We also hope to raise $7,000 for an ultrasound machine, and $20,000 for a four-wheel-drive vehicle to help the sisters transport patients from remote areas over dirt roads, which are often hard to traverse when it rains.

You might be thinking, “What does a village in Tanzania have to do with us in Memphis, and how do we even know about this?”

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It all started when I went to college

My husband, Stephen and I met at Loyola University in Chicago. Stephen grew up in Kenya and knows firsthand the degree of poverty in Eastern Africa. While at Loyola, we were inspired by the Jesuits’ commitment to social justice and Catholic social teaching, including global solidarity, a “sense of being interrelated and interconnected, and a commitment to act for the rights of others, especially the disadvantaged and the oppressed.”

While at Loyola, I had the opportunity to volunteer with underserved communities, both in a rural village in Northern Uganda and at a homeless clinic in inner-city Chicago. These experiences led me to pursue medicine so I could work with the underserved, and it helped form my decision to go to osteopathic medical school at Lincoln Memorial University-DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine, which has a focus on holistic primary care in underserved areas.

After med school, I did my residency at UT Family Medicine here in Memphis, where I’m now part of the faculty helping to train medical students and residents in family medicine. Our mission is “to improve the health and well-being of our underserved communities.”

One of my first med-school rotations was at Church Health, and it was the organization's founder, Dr. Scott Morris, who recommended I check out St. Patrick’s. I’m deeply grateful for his suggestion, because I have found such an inspiring community at St. Patrick’s, which is committed to social justice and provides opportunities to work for justice and stand in solidarity with groups on the margins.

Our faith calls us to act in the world, both locally and globally, and at St. Pat’s, I have found a place to live that out.

Through St. Pat’s, I’ve had the opportunity to organize with Memphis-based MICAH (Memphis Interfaith Coalition for Action and Hope) to give a more powerful voice to issues of justice in our city. Being at St. Pat’s has also led Stephen and I to help organize the St. Patrick’s global health Tanzania ministry, which includes this current fundraising effort.

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Working with the Tanzanian village

We were introduced to the Tanzanian sisters' work by a dear friend from Loyola, Fr. Peter Omollo Otieno, a Kenyan Jesuit priest. He saw how my background in medicine and passion for working with the underserved might be of service to the sisters, and he introduced me to Sr. Dr. Sarah Kahumbya, MD, a Catholic sister and physician. Fr. Peter is good friends with Sr. Dr. Sarah, as Kenya and Tanzania are neighboring countries, and Fr. Peter and my husband share a bond as they are both Kenyan.

Along with Sr. Sarah and her community there, we have worked to address the needs of the people in Kifuru, as we work with them and grow in understanding of their needs.

There's a lot of poverty and preventable disease to address in the village. Until we raise the money for the four-wheel-drive vehicle, villagers will have to keep walking miles to get to the clinic and traveling up to 25 miles on foot using dirt roads to get to the nearest hospital in case of emergency.

At first, the sisters traveled to Kifuru once a month, but due to increased demand, they started going twice a month. Even that was not enough. The community of Kifuru also responded. The elders donated land so the sisters could turn the makeshift building they were using into a proper medical clinic. The $6,000 we’ve raised so far has enabled the sisters to completely remodel the clinic.

Sr. Sarah and her community have found that the most commonly encountered illnesses in Kifuru are preventable – the top one being gastrointestinal disease due to lack of access to clean water. To target waterborne disease, the sisters purchase medication to treat parasites for everyone in the community. Treating the whole village costs less than $200 a year! We hope to eventually build a well and provide a water-filtration system so the community has clean water to drink.

I found through my experience volunteering in Uganda that I always gained so much more than I gave. In a similar way, we’ve experienced how this collaboration has enriched our parish life at St. Pat’s. It has been an opportunity to stand in solidarity with, learn from, and share with our brothers and sisters in Tanzania.

When I consider the many people involved and the various ways we're all connected, I realize that it truly takes a global village, and we are part of that village – linked together in mutual concern for our brothers and sisters locally and half a world away from us.

Monica Juma, DO, is a physician at UT Family Medicine and a parishioner at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.

This article originally appeared on Memphis Commercial Appeal: Why Memphians should extend their hand and help a village in Tanzania