Why is a ‘mild-mannered’ Canadian lawyer getting a death threat over Casey Anthony?

The nasty emails and a death threat phone call reached Patrick McKenna’s home within days of media reporting that Casey Anthony might be opening a private investigation business. Anthony has done work for and lived with Patrick McKenna, who was the lead private investigator on Anthony’s defense team when she was accused of murdering her 2-year-old child.

Except that Patrick McKenna lives in West Palm Beach. The Patrick McKenna who got the emails and death threat?

He’s a lawyer in Edmonton, Alberta.

“Having my life threatened is a first for this mild-mannered, friendly Canadian,” the Canadian Patrick McKenna said.

Imperfection in Google’s Patrick McKenna connections

Blame Google and people not paying attention for the mix-up.

Putting “Patrick McKenna West Palm Beach” or “Patrick McKenna, Investigations, West Palm Beach” into Google returns, in the featured spot on the right side of the screen, “Patrick McKenna Investigations” with the address and phone number of the Florida McKenna’s home and business. Also, there are the usual link buttons for directions, calling the phone number and going to the website.

Except the website link button goes to patrickmckenna.com, which is to the Canadian Patrick McKenna’s website for his business in “law firm management & practice management.”

The website mentions nothing about private investigation, nothing about working with the O.J. Simpson murder trial defense team, Casey Anthony’s defense team, Yoko Ono or any of the other clients about which the Florida Patrick McKenna boasts on his LinkedIn page.

In addition, at the bottom of every patrickmckenna.com page and immediately left of the spot for sending an email, there’s the snail mail address that ends with “Edmonton, Alberta.”

Dealing with angry people

Florida people can be some angry folks, as has been documented.

Canadian Patrick McKenna emailed the Miami Herald that he’s received “no less than a dozen emails” and a phone call from a 954 area code that was “the most nasty, vile message that I have ever encountered.”

“With no lack of profanity, I was told that I was no longer welcome in West Palm Beach and that I need to leave now or I will die.”

McKenna said his wife called the woman from the 954 and explained her mistake. They wound up talking for 20 minutes, McKenna said. The young woman said she was carrying the pain of child abuse and a current nasty divorce.

Canadian Patrick McKenna figured she was “looking to lash out at anything and anybody” and felt “blessed” that he was not one of the many people “going through some form of mental anguish.”

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