Why a Part-Time Job Will Improve Your Retirement

To some people, working even one more minute after retirement sounds awful. But there are tremendous benefits to staying in the workforce, even if you don't care about the extra income. Consider these improvements to your retired life if you keep working part time:

A little bit of work will keep your mind sharp. Our brain needs exercise as much as every other body part. A part-time job could give you challenges and interaction that may be stimulating. The combination of knowing you don't need the work and a reduced workload is likely to have you feeling happier about work projects. You may even be able to choose projects that interest you.

The extra cash doesn't hurt. You may or may not need the income, but some extra cash can't hurt. You can always choose to donate the money, which will make you feel good and help someone in need. You could also spend the money your part-time work brings in on something discretionary that's just for you.

Stay connected to the industry. Many people spend decades in the same industry, and it's hard to suddenly leave everything behind and disconnect yourself from what is happening within the field. If you find complete detachment hard to adjust to, part-time work allows you to continue to play a role while also transitioning into a more relaxed lifestyle.

Keep your skills current. Part-time work acts as insurance in case you need to find work again. Seniors often have a harder time finding a job, especially if they leave the workforce for an extended period of time. By remaining employed, you'll be in a much better position to look for full-time work if you ever want to.

Working helps with your social life. Many people have built their identity and social circles around their workplace. Staying on as a part-time employee will allow you to maintain those connections, while also seeking out people who are free during weekdays.

Tell better stories. Work brings with it unique challenges and stories that you can share with your friends. Think about it. If all you do is sit in front of the TV all day, how interesting will you be to others? Not everyone wants to hear about the latest re-run of Seinfeld.

If retirement is within reach, check with your superiors and see if staying on part time is a possibility. Many part-time positions are negotiated on an individual basis with supervisors. And if they say no, you didn't lose anything since you were planning on retiring anyway.

David Ning runs MoneyNing, a personal finance site that shares money moves you can make to significantly increase your chances of having a comfortable retirement. He likes to share simple changes that anyone can make, such as picking the best online savings account and figuring out whether a 0 percent balance transfer credit card makes sense.

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