Why You Need a Strategic Advisor When Starting a Business, With Attorney: Todd Jarvis Explains
Running a business can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling, but as with anything in life, those rewards are accompanied by a certain degree of risk. Todd Jarvis is a leading Arizona attorney that has dedicated his life and practice to providing legal services to businesses and families. Todd began his career working in software and bioinformatics, which is the marriage of computer science and molecular biology. While attending Brigham Young University, Todd worked for a fortune 500 company where he realized his passion for entrepreneurship. He and his young family relocated to Tucson, Arizona where he attended the University of Arizona, obtaining a law degree and a masters of science in genetics. He passed the bar exam, and the patent bar exam, which registered him as a patent attorney, a valuable asset when working with entrepreneurs and start-up businesses. Today, Todd is the founder of Strategic Legal Works, also known as Jarvis (www.jarvislegacy.com), and serves as a strategic partner for countless businesses and families. According to Todd, there are 5 reasons why business owners should bring on a strategic advisor and attorney when starting their business.
They can help you build a solid foundation. When beginning a new business, most people simply focus on getting new clients and landing sales. However, Todd warns that having the right legal, insurance, finance, and tax foundations in place first is a vital step to the business’s future success.
They protect you. When the business has the proper foundations in place, business owners can ensure that their personal life is protected from what goes on in their professional life so that their business is safeguarded from personal catastrophe. “This past year showed us that we cannot foresee what the future holds, so doesn’t it make sense to protect yourself as best as possible?”
They can help you structure your entity. For Todd, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution. He takes a unique approach with each new business he partners with, taking into account their goals, financial situation, involved partners, etc.
They help with the tedious paperwork. Though contracts and business agreements are just one aspect of the service Todd provides his clients, this is a crucial element in running a successful, protected business. “Business agreements are a way to formalize your relationship with your clients and vendors,” explains Todd, “When done properly, these agreements are a win/win for both parties!”
They keep your thinking future-oriented. Todd is constantly looking three steps ahead. He takes a holistic approach with his clients that considers the legal, financial, and marketing aspects of his client’s business. Todd helps clients achieve a true understanding of their finances so they can understand where their funds are coming and going. A financial forecast allows business owners to make more strategic decisions in the day-to-day of their business. Todd also provides tactical marketing advice. Business owners should know where their next client is coming from and ensure that their marketing, onboarding, and fulfillment practices are predictable, legally sound, and as efficient as possible.