Why SypherPK thinks Fortnite Creative is the future

Ali “SypherPK” Hassan is a streamer with 6.2 million followers on Twitch who found success making videos about all the events and updates on “Fortnite’s” island. He’s known to analyze the game in ways that other top streamers don’t, covering the game’s story and Creative mode. For Fortnite’s fifth birthday, we asked Hassan to share his thoughts about Fortnite’s Creative mode, which is slowly introducing more Unreal Engine development tools to the game to help players craft their own experiences. Watch our other interview featuring another popular Fortnite streamer, Loserfruit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DoOCMV7dZo&t=1s Read our story on the fifth anniversary here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/interactive/2022/fortnite-anniversary-epic-games/ Think you know a lot about Fortnite Island? Try our quiz: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/interactive/2022/fortnite-map-quiz/