Why Understanding Your 'Why' Is Important On Your College Journey

Understanding your “why” as a college student is a practice. It’s an exercise. The more that you can remind yourself of your “why,” I think the more focused you’ll be able top stay. For instance, I envision myself walking into a big, bustling city lit by pretty lights, and loud locals with my suitcase in hand. I see myself entering an exceptionally beautiful house with a cherry red car in the driveway. Not only do I see myself owning the keys to this house, but driving to the hospital in this cherry red car while helping patients. These are the things I think about every time I walk into a boring lecture. It’s what I think about when I come to find my professor has assigned a pop quiz. It’s not always about the destination, sometimes the journey is mentally draining. Sometimes the journey will leave you feeling battered and bruised. The only thing preserving your tenacity is the thought of making it to your destination.

I’m a part of the ADN program at Gwinnett Technical College.

I’m a health sciences major. While I enjoy learning about what I’m interested in, I would be lying if I said it was easy. There are days when I’m tired and don’t want to get out of bed. In fact, I’d much rather stay home, eat a bag of Doritos, and binge watch Bridgerton. If I were to give into these intrusive thoughts, I’d never make it to my destination. Yes, school is hard. But so is working in a cold, superannuated office. Furthermore, an office that offers no creative, or emotional stimulation that pertain to your aspirations.

I feel like it’s important to stop and think about why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Why did you choose your major? Think about why you pledged what you pledged. What’s your reason to get up and attend class? These considerations help keep me from experiencing burnout. Imagine this, you’re in the middle of a project, and suddenly your fingers stop moving. You fall back in your chair, and you’re paralyzed by an overwhelming feeling of lethargy. You’re sitting there wallowing in the bliss of the calm, comforting silence of a break. Then a thought creeps in, what if this break never ended? What if I sit here and continue to sit here to relax and unwind? What if? It’s important to have a troubleshoot for these situations that are so common as college students.

All that I’m suggesting is somewhat of an anti-burnout serum.

A figurative syringe that you can pull out at any given time to quell the indifference that you may develop towards finishing that paper, or attending that lecture, etc. I’ve experienced the aforementioned scenario multiple times this semester and this is only my first year.

I can only imagine how much greater that mental tug of war must be for those who have been repeating the same cycle for a while now. The college experience is by no means facile. I use my goals as fuel to keep my engine running, my tank never falters because the importance of my ambitions will never waver. There are many ways to keep yourself motivated in your endeavors, this is just my suggestion for anyone who may be struggling to find a method that suits them. Hope this helps.

What does your vision for your future look like?

Zada Luby is a first-year student at Gwinnett Technical college, she’s a nursing major who loves art, nature, and helping her community grow. Follow her interests and more here.