Widewaters' Memorial Day weekend U.S. flags planting raises funds for VFW

Jun. 5—LOCKPORT — On Friday, VFW District Commander Roger Cordle arrived at Widewaters in Lockport to pick up donations that were raised for the VFW on Memorial Day weekend. Cordle picked up the money in an empty ammunition crate to take back to the VFW post.

"The big thing for me is what we do for the veterans, like dinners and scholarships," he said. "The only way we can do that stuff is with donations."

Last weekend, Widewaters requested that volunteers come to the restaurant to h When it comes to Lockport school board, it's all relative for city resident elp plant 2,448 American flags representing each US service member who was killed in the Afghan War. Restaurant owner Brandon Marvin said the flag planting drew around 50 volunteers, and that over the course of the event, they had raised $350 for the VFW.

"It's not that bad for two days worth of box donation," Marvin said.

Feeling how wildly successful the flag planting was, considering he only decided to do it at the last minute, Marvin wants to do a similar event next year, to build on the success that he's already seen.

"For a last minute idea, it went pretty well," Marvin said. "The public outreach was amazing. When I woke up Friday and felt that someone would need to see or experience this, and almost a day later we had 50 volunteers. There's a need for it."