Williams Sonoma Released A ‘Frozen 2’ Kitchen Collection Complete With An Olaf Cookie Jar

Photo credit: Williams Sonoma
Photo credit: Williams Sonoma

From House Beautiful

Frozen 2 comes out this week, and honestly, the terrible part of seeing a highly anticipated new movie is...well, once it's over, it's over. You never get to see it for the first time again. I know! I'm a giant bummer. Luckily, when it comes to a smash-hit like Frozen, there are a ton of ways to keep the magic going after you leave the theater, including these gorgeous kitchen items from Williams-Sonoma.

Like anything that has to do with Disney, there is no shortage of Frozen 2 items out there. But trust me when I say these are some of the cutest, prettiest, and just generally most useful items I've seen for sale.

The collection includes everything from spatulas to children's aprons. The nice thing about them, besides how well-designed they are, is that none of it screams any particular holiday, which means this stuff can stick around after you pack up your Christmas decorations. You can really use them until the snow stops falling...and even past then if you ask me.

If you were to check my cart, you'd find this extremely cute Olaf Cookie Jar, which goes for $79.95 and is shown above, as well as the Frozen Cookie Kit, which goes for $29.95, because, duh, you need cookies to put in the jar!

This collection should stick around for a bit, as I'm sure hype around the film will continue to grow. But if you're eyeing one of them for a Christmas present, I'd suggest jumping on it now!

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