Willingboro home listed for $499K; how does it compare to the other nearby Levittown?

A home in Levittown was recently listed for sale at $700,000 (since reduced to $675,000), a hefty price tag for a place aimed for first-time, middle-class homebuyers in that Bucks County community.

But, how does New Jersey's Levittown compare?

Willingboro was the third Levittown, but the name was changed to its original in a 1963 voter referendum.

Here’s what we found, based on recent Zillow listings.

Willingboro, New Jersey

Built: 1959-1963

Houses: About 12,000

Original price: From $11,490 to $13,990.

There are 32 houses listed for sale on Zillow in Willingboro. The highest price is $499,900 for a rancher at 50 Tidewater Road. That's about 3,000 square feet with 5 beds and 3 baths and a 30-year mortgage that'll be $4,078 a month. Lowest price is $300,000 for a Cape Cod at 5 Melville Lane.

This house at 50 Tidewater Road is currently the highest listed price for a Levitt-built house in Willingboro, New Jersey, according to Zillow.
This house at 50 Tidewater Road is currently the highest listed price for a Levitt-built house in Willingboro, New Jersey, according to Zillow.

What can you get in the other Levittown communities

More: House prices in Levittown communities around the US. How does Bucks County's compare?

Recently in Ltown Levittown house lists for $700,000. When will we see the first $1 million house?

JD Mullane can be reached at 215-949-5745 or at jmullane@couriertimes.com.

This article originally appeared on Bucks County Courier Times: Levittown communities built for affordability get big bucks in 2023