This Winery Lets You Go Trick-Or-Treating For Booze And It’s All I Wanna Do This Fall

Photo credit: Chaddsford Winery - Instagram
Photo credit: Chaddsford Winery - Instagram

From Delish

One of the biggest bummers about growing up is that you no longer get to partake in trick-or-treating, which means no more free candy. But one winery in Pennsylvania is offering the adults to trick-or-treat for something arguably even better: booze.

Chaddsford Winery, located in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, hosts Adult Trick-or-Treat every weekend from September 28 until October 27. The way it works is you show up to the winery and there are a variety of stations. At each station, you're rewarded with wine and even some food pairings. This year's offerings include things like Crab Mac & Cheese with Presage and a Leviathan Wine Cocktail and a “Dirt” Cupcake garnished with a Gummy Worm with Harbinger and Chaddsford red wine.

Yes, costumes are encouraged. In fact, if you do show up in costume, you'll get 20 percent off any bottle of wine you purchase while you're there. You should not that this is a rain or shine even though, so if it's cold or drizzly, maybe your costume should include a coat.

Tickets for the event are $25 per guest in advance online and it even includes a special Halloween-themed wine glass. You'll have to choose a session as well and your options 11:30 a.m., 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m. and 4 p.m.

The winery will also be open during the event so no matter what time you pick, you can extend the party before and after the Trick-Or-Treating event and taste some more wines, snap a few photos and even get in on the food truck that weekend. Who says kids have all the fun?

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