Wiregrass hosts Geekfest

Mar. 11—VALDOSTA — Wiregrass Georgia Technical College hosted the second in-person event of the year, with more than 1,000 high school students.

Wiregrass combined the STEM and medical event with the annual Geekfest with 20 local high schools in the surrounding counties. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

More than 1,000 high school students visited Wiregrass to learn about programs and careers in the medical and computer science and business career fields.

"We were excited to have almost 1,300 high school students and share the multiple classes we offer in STEM and medical," Holly Greene, dean for business and professional services, said.

Instructors and students showcased careers with STEM activities in the medical field and computer science and business fields.

"The purpose is to engage these students in activities where they would learn and ask questions," Greene said. "Many of the fields being explored include high-demand careers where students can find local jobs here in South Georgia."