Wisconsin Lake Superior fish rules get March 29 virtual meeting

Mar. 25—The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will hold a virtual public hearing March on a Lake Superior rule that will update lake trout and cisco quotas, as well as update the recreational lake trout harvest trigger on Lake Superior.

The DNR invites the public to join the virtual hearing at 6:30 p.m. on March 29 via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83856621970#success or by calling 312-626-6799 and using meeting ID 838 5662 1970. Those who wish to provide testimony at the meeting are strongly encouraged to pre-register by filling in the hearing appearance form at https://dnr.wi.gov/files/pdf/forms/8300/8300-014.pdf and sending it to Meredith.Penthorn@wisconsin.gov. Members of the public may also submit comments via email to Meredith.Penthorn@wisconsin.gov through March 29.

The updated quotas will impact how many lake trout and cisco commercial fishers may harvest and may also impact the lake trout recreational fishing season's length if the new lake trout harvest trigger is reached early. These updates are necessary to ensure a sustainable Lake Superior fishery.

"Population models and data indicate that while the lake trout population is stable, population growth rates have been slower than expected and the cisco population is experiencing a slight decline," said Bradley Ray, DNR Lake Superior Fisheries Supervisor. "We will continue to rely on sound biological principles for managing the Lake Superior fishery as this rule is implemented."

This permanent rule is similar to an emergency rule implemented in December 2020. Both rules are essential for updating lake trout and cisco quotas and establishing slightly lower quotas for these two species based on new biological information.

For more information on the Lake Superior fishery, visit the DNR's website at dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/Fishing/lakesuperior.