This Woman Found A Lost Wedding Ring In The Instant Pot She Got For Christmas

Photo credit: Q13
Photo credit: Q13

From House Beautiful

When Shiloah Avery opened her brand new Instant Pot on Christmas and found what was unmistakably a wedding ring in the box, she was determined to reunite the ring with its rightful owner. After some good Facebook sleuthing and getting the word out, she was able to do exactly that, Q13 reports.

"I pulled the bottom packaging material out and there was a wedding ring in the bottom of it. And it wasn't just like an engagement ring-it was an actual wedding band and ring," she told the station. "They'd been soldered together and you could tell it'd been someone's ring for a long time."

After calling a customer service line with no success, Avery tried a Facebook group for the Port Orchard, Washington, area to spread the news and hopefully alert the woman who'd lost her ring.

Photo credit: Q13
Photo credit: Q13

Within hours, Avery received tens of notifications, many of which were from Joann Johnson, a woman who'd lost her wedding ring of more than 20 years while shopping for Instant Pots at a Walmart a few months back. "Immediately it was like an electrical shock going through me. OK, I lost my ring by Instant Pots, someone just found a ring in an Instant Pot box," Johnson said.

According to KIRO, Avery had Johnson confirm the ring was hers by drawing a picture of it. Later that same day, Johnson was able to come get the ring, calling Avery her "Christmas angel."

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