Woman Gets 1993 Postcard From Hong Kong Because Snail Mail Takes Time

Let's crack this mystery together

A postcard mailed from Hong Kong to Springfield, Ill., in 1993, recently arrived at one woman’s home — and the search party for its intended recipients has begun.

Addressed to Leena and Muhammad Ali Kizilbash, according to CNN, the letter writer said he was having a nice time in “this extremely crowded place.” The kicker? It was signed, “Your Dad.”

Receiving the postcard, which apparently arrived exactly 26 years to the day after it was sent on July 8, was a surprise for Kim Draper, who has lived in the house for close to four years with her husband and son. “It kind of blew me over,” she told CNN. Naturally, Draper wants to give Leena and Muhammad Ali Kizilbash this sweet postcard from their father.

Her friends and coworkers “are waiting on bated breath” as she endeavors to track these people down, hitting Facebook and even her local newspaper, Draper told CNN.

Things are looking up for the mystery-solving Draper, though. One person reached out to CNN’s David Williams with a helpful lead: “[My husband] was best friends with Mohammed when they were younger,” the user wrote on Tuesday.

Thanks to the internet, this piece of mail may finally find its home.