A woman in her late 30s who got the coronavirus details what her symptoms were like every day and what she wished she had done to prepare

Kerry Lutz
Kerry Lutz was prepared to work from home for a few weeks — but she wasn't prepared to be sick.

Courtesy of Kerry Lutz

  • Kerry Lutz is a 39-year-old social worker in Denver who began showing symptoms of COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, on March 21, including mild fever and body aches.

  • She was tested on March 23 and holed up in her apartment. The test later came back positive.

  • Her advice to others is to assume you have been exposed and have a plan for if you do get sick to help minimize stress.

  • Keep acetaminophen, a thermometer, Vicks ointment, and plenty of liquids on hand; find out which nearby urgent-care facilities are in your health insurance network; and look into local testing options but do not expect to be tested.

  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Editor's note: Kerry Lutz, a 39-year-old woman in Colorado, recently tested positive for COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus. This is her day-by-day description of what the experience was like. (This is not meant to be medical advice; if you are concerned about your health, contact your doctor.)

This has been a very intense week. I'm omitting many details for the sake of brevity and privacy, but in general I attribute a lot of my stress to having been ill-prepared to be sick. I'm under 40, am not immunocompromised, and have no medical conditions that would put me in a high-risk group. To my knowledge, I've never had the seasonal flu. Though I had been preparing for a stay-at-home order for weeks before the onset of my symptoms, my focus had been on acquiring food and items that would allow me to comfortably work from home.

It turns out I was not prepared to actually be sick.

Kerry Lutz

Courtesy of Kerry Lutz

There is considerable emphasis on the prevention of COVID-19 right now — as there absolutely should be — but, based on my experience, I think it's also wise to be ready for an infection. It'll help prevent panic, particularly if you live alone like I do. Once you start showing symptoms, you can't leave your house for supplies.

So hopefully this post will be helpful. It's split into two parts: a timeline of my infection, and a list of preparation suggestions.

Mild symptoms began

I started having symptoms on the evening of Saturday, March 21: mild fever, body aches centered on my lower back and hips, and a general feeling of uneasiness and dread.

I assumed I had COVID-19, but, of course, I couldn't be sure, since the seasonal flu is also going around. I also figured I would have no access to a test, since they are not widely available in Denver outside of hospitals, so I decided to treat it as COVID-19 regardless.

Day 1: Mild fever, fatigue, and increasingly uncomfortable body aches that kept me awake.

On Sunday, March 22, I had no acetaminophen (Tylenol) and no thermometer in my apartment. After driving around to several stores that were out of stock, my kind supervisor found a thermometer at Target and delivered it to me.

Day 2: My fever remained mild (100 degrees), but my body aches got pretty bad.

When a friend delivered acetaminophen, I felt a remarkable improvement almost instantly. I emailed my doctor's office to check in, ask a few basic questions, and inquire about testing. The staff responded with the expected advice (stay home for 14 days, drink fluids, etc.) and said they didn't have testing available and didn't know about any testing options in the community.

That afternoon, a friend sent me a Facebook post advertising a drive-thru testing facility at a community health center in a nearby town. Convinced that this might be my only opportunity to get a test, I chugged coffee, got in my car, and headed over there.

The nose swab itself was unpleasant, but the overall experience was excellent: smooth, efficient, not scary. I was promised a phone call with test results in three to five days.

Day 3: I woke up feeling weaker.

Kerry Kutz
Lutz in healthier times.

Courtesy of Kerry Lutz

It was slightly more difficult to breathe. I had no sore throat and no cough, but my lungs felt heavy, like a band was tied around my chest. Nothing too crazy, but I was aware that my lungs were being affected, and I had never felt anything like that before.

Day 4: My fever and body aches were pretty much gone, but my labored breathing was becoming more concerning.

I felt like I was on top of a 14,000-foot mountain. I was talking slowly, feeling pretty spaced out, and struggling to focus. I didn't know if this was typical or not.

I called my doctor's office and was routed to its special COVID-19 call-in line. A staff member explained that this is normal and that I should not call back unless I experienced true shortness of breath — in that case, someone would screen me over the phone and potentially refer me to the in-network hospital, depending on several factors.

However, she reassured me that my labored breathing was very common and that it could last for many more days without escalating to shortness of breath.

To make breathing easier, she suggested I take hot showers, find a humidifier, apply Vicks VapoRub (or any generic camphor/eucalyptus/menthol ointment) to my chest, and try to sleep in a propped-up sitting position. She told me to expect limited sleep. Various friends delivered a humidifier and Vicks.

The health clinic called and told me my test was positive, which I expected. Drinking hot tea and distracting myself with Netflix and Sondheim lyrics made it easier to breathe. Listening to the news made breathing more difficult, so I went on a 72-hour news fast.

Day 5: My labored breathing was about the same.

Rest is important for treating COVID-19 from home.

Nathan Dumlao/Shutterstock

At the request of a loving medical-professional friend of mine in another state (with whom I had been texting throughout the week), I had a friend deliver a pulse oximeter, which measures the oxygen saturation level of your blood.

While my numbers were not outstanding, they were well above the danger zone, so I just tried to relax and exert myself as little as possible.

Day 6: I started to feel better.

I felt like I could take a deep breath again. I still didn't have the energy for anything besides staring at screens and making tea, banana smoothies, and ramen, but I felt like my brain was emerging from the fog and the band around my chest had been loosened.

Day 7: I started to feel actually OK and even did the dishes.

Ate some real food! However, I did develop a mild cough. (Still no sore throat or runny nose.)

Day 8: Total fatigue again.

No energy. I think I may have overdone it the previous day? Mild cough, mildly labored breathing all day.

Day 9: This brings me to today, March 30.

I feel better than yesterday — still fatigued, still slightly affected breathing, but OK.

I plan to continue to move around as little as possible. Once my symptoms are gone, I have to wait 72 more hours, and then I'm allowed to leave my apartment.

My energy is low, but my spirits are high.

Here's my advice to others.

Kerry Lutz

Courtesy of Kerry Lutz

In addition to taking social distancing and handwashing seriously, my primary advice is: Don't panic, just prepare.

A lot of you reading this will get COVID-19, but many of you will have milder symptoms than I've had. Several of you have already had it and just weren't aware. Assume you have been exposed, and act accordingly: Stay home if you can.

If you're like me and know that having a worst-case-scenario plan will put your mind at ease, here is my list of suggestions.

1. Get a thermometer, acetaminophen, Vicks ointment, ramen noodles, and plenty of herbal tea while it's still easy for you to shop.

This Dec. 18, 2019 photo shows generic acetaminophen capsules in Santa Ana, Calif.  A fight is coming to California over whether to list acetaminophen,  one of the world's most common over-the-counter drugs as a carcinogen, echoing recent high-profile battles for things like alcohol and coffee. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)
Keep acetaminophen on hand.

Associated Press

Lots of stores and online retailers are out of stock, so place an order now while you're relaxed and healthy. I did a lot of panic Googling this week — very unpleasant.

Thus far I have not had a sore throat or much of a cough, but those are common symptoms, so it might be a good idea to add tissues and cough drops to your shopping list. If you have a humidifier in storage, take it out and clean it. If you don't have one, ask around to see who does, in case you need to borrow it.

If you are feeling extra anxious, you could buy a pulse oximeter at a drugstore. They are about $20 to $40. I doubt this device is necessary for most people, and I don't want to encourage needless panic buying, but it was nice to be able to check my own blood-oxygen levels.

2. Determine how you will get groceries or meals if you suddenly become stuck at home for two-plus weeks.

man grocery shopping
Look into grocery-delivery options.

Getty Images

If you don't have friends or family who can bring food to you, Google grocery-delivery services and find out if one delivers to your neighborhood. Create a sample order to make sure.

3. Look up and write down the phone number for your doctor's office, and find out which urgent-care facilities/hospitals are in your health insurance network.

checking phone cell call text
Make sure your phone is in good working order.


A lot of doctor's offices have special COVID-19 information lines. Plan to take advantage of telehealth services. Do not plan to drive to your doctor's office or to the hospital if you start to feel a fever — most people with COVID-19 don't require outside medical attention, and many hospitals will not admit people without a doctor's referral anyway. Stay home, and make calls if you have concerns.

While you're at it, make sure you have a fully functioning cellphone. If yours happens to be on the fritz, just bite the bullet and buy a new one now. (My screen broke during my most difficult day.)

4. If you live with other people, consider where in your home you could self-isolate should you start to develop symptoms.

do not disturb
Determine where you can self-isolate if necessary.


My understanding is that it is entirely possible to ride out COVID-19 and not infect anyone else in your household — you just need to be diligent and careful.

5. Make a plan.

pen writing write book notebook diary handwriting
Having a plan helps prevent added stress.


If you are the primary caregiver for children, older adults, or people with disabilities, consider which of your friends or family members could come to your house and help out if you become sick and have to isolate.

Extreme fatigue would make preparing meals, changing diapers, and keeping others safe and entertained exceptionally difficult. These activities could also put the people in your care at risk of infection.

Also, don't forget about your pets! Find somebody who could take care of your animals in case you need hospitalization.

6. Look up testing options in your community, but do not expect to get tested.

coronavirus testing usa
A drive-thru testing center in Denver.

Michael Ciaglo/Getty Images

Depending on where you live, you might not have access to a test even if you have symptoms.

If you start to develop symptoms, calmly assume you have COVID-19, tell the people you have been in contact with recently, isolate yourself, start drinking fluids, and rest. Working yourself into a frenzy trying to locate a test will not make your symptoms end any sooner.

Officially knowing that you have COVID-19 (over, say, the seasonal flu) does not make you a public-health hero. Stay home, and contact your medical provider if you have questions.

7. Plan to take sick leave.

sick cold flu tissues
Some companies have special COVID-19 leave policies.


If you are working from home, do not assume that you can continue with your regular job duties. If you become fatigued from the infection, you will not be able to get anything done and will just get frustrated. Talk to your supervisor. Your company may have a special COVID-19 leave policy.

If you are working out in the community, stay home and tell your supervisor immediately that you think you are having symptoms.

8. Have tons of fluids on hand.

Stock up on tea and juice.


I am drinking water, tea, seltzer, and juice around the clock and still don't need to use the bathroom that much. This suggests to me that my body really does need this much fluid right now.

I suspect I got the coronavirus from one of a handful of friends who didn't realize they had it at the time because their symptoms were super mild and we weren't seriously talking about COVID-19 in Denver yet. I will never know exactly where and when I got it, and it doesn't matter that much to me now.

You may not think the coronavirus is in your community, but it almost certainly is. Avoid close physical contact with people in high-risk groups, even your parents — especially your parents. Call them instead.

Before I end this post, I have to say that I am completely overwhelmed by the number of friends and family members who have checked in on me, offered to bring me things, and kept me distracted. I'm so lucky.

Kerry Lutz is a social worker in Denver who enjoys traveling the world, cycling, and acquiring curious items for her beloved costume collection.

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