Woman jailed for taking three-year-old girl to Kenya for FGM

Det Sup Andy Furphy hopes the sentence is 'a real deterrent to those who choose to harm children in this way'
Det Supt Andy Furphy said he hoped the sentence would be 'a real deterrent to those who choose to harm children in this way' - STEFAN ROUSSEAU/PA WIRE

A woman has been sentenced to seven years in prison for the “truly horrific and abhorrent” genital mutilation of a three-year-old British girl during a trip to Kenya, in a legal first.

Following a trial, Amina Noor, 40, from Harrow, north London, was found guilty of travelling to the country to carry out the procedure 17 years ago.

At the Old Bailey on Friday, Noor did not react as the sentence was handed down but waved to her family as she was led from the dock.

She was the first person to be convicted of assisting a non-UK person to perform female genital mutilation (FGM).

‘Truly horrific and abhorrent’

Judge Mr Justice Bryan said he hoped the sentence would help remove the “cloak of secrecy” that surrounded the crime.

He said: “No woman should be ashamed to talk about what has been done to her genitalia without her consent.”

To date, the only other successful prosecution was in 2019 when a Ugandan woman from Walthamstow, east London, was jailed for 11 years for cutting a three-year-old girl.

Mr Justice Bryan said: “This is the first successful prosecution of its kind and I must sentence you for this truly horrific and abhorrent crime.”

He praised the victim for coming forward and said he “hoped her courage in doing so would encourage others to do the same”.

He added: “The UK is a kingdom of all cultures. You meet on the streets of this capital city people of all faiths and none; we have the privilege to live in a United Kingdom of wide differences in political and social views.

“The law applies to everyone. Parliament has outlawed any form of female genital mutilation in very clear terms.”

Outlining the case, Deanna Heer KC said Noor had travelled to Kenya with the girl in 2006, and while there took her to a private house where the child was subjected to FGM.

The crime only came to light years later when the girl was aged 16 and confided in her English teacher at school.

When spoken to, the defendant said she thought the procedure was just an injection and afterwards the girl was “happy and able to run around and play”.

But when examined in 2019, it emerged that the girl’s clitoris had been completely removed.

Jurors were told the defendant was born in Somalia and moved to Kenya at the age of eight during the civil war in her home country. She was aged 16 when she came to the United Kingdom and was later granted British citizenship.

The court was told that 94 per cent of females of Somali origin living in Kenya undergo the procedure, according to United Nations figures.

‘Cloak of secrecy’

Giving evidence in her trial, Noor said she was threatened with being “cursed” and “disowned” within her community if she did not take part.

She said the procedure was called “Sunnah”, an Arabic word meaning “tradition” or “way”. She also referred to the procedure as “Gudniin”, which is the Somali word for circumcision.

The victim, who is now 21 and cannot be named for legal reasons, said she sympathised with Noor, and the influence she was put under to perform the procedure.

She added: “I know that had I been in her position with the failure of education and pressure from people I love the most I would also have gone through with it.”

Concluding his remarks, Mr Justice Bryan said: “It is under a cloak of secrecy, with a reluctance to talk about such matters, that female genital mutilation is all too often perpetrated and perpetuated. It often goes unspoken about and, as result, all too often goes undetected.”

Speaking after the sentencing, Det Supt Andy Furphy, said: “I hope today’s sentence acts as a real deterrent to those who choose to harm children in this way.”

He added: “I can’t think of any more violent act to perpetrate against a three-year-old.

“Since June 2015 and June 2023 I think in England and Wales there were 847 FGM protection orders issued. That is only a tiny proportion of the potential problem.”

Noor was found guilty of one charge of aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring a non-UK citizen to mutilate the genitals of a UK female citizen.

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