Woman unable to hear male voices due to rare medical condition

One person's medical condition is every woman's dream.

One person’s medical condition is every woman’s dream.

A Chinese woman has made headlines after she woke up unable to hear male voices, according to The Daily Mail. The woman, who’s since been identified as Ms. Chen, had gone to bed with ringing in her ears, only to wake up to her silent boyfriend.

Upon visiting the hospital, she discovered her situation. “She was able to hear me when I spoke to her,” says ear, nose, and throat specialist Dr. Lin Xiaoqing, “but when a young male patient walked in, she couldn’t hear him at all.”

While the scenario sounds like a bizarro version of What Women Want, Chen is actually unable to hear deeper tones due to a rare condition called “reverse-slope hearing loss.” It’s so rare that only one in nearly 13,000 patients with hearing issues are affected.

As for why Chen suffered the loss, Dr. Xiaoqing is unsure, but believes it was brought on by stress and long days of working. She expects Chen to make a full recovery, a fate that some people may argue is more of a curse.

All joking aside, if you’re suffering from any kind of hearing loss, be sure to seek out a physician immediately. If Chen’s situation is any lesson, it’s imperative you treat any ear condition as soon as possible to avoid any permanent damage.