This woman's parody of Facebook mom groups is painfully accurate

Cecilia "Ceci" Kane made a rookie mistake when she was pregnant with her first child.

“I joined a Facebook group for moms and asked a question about epidurals,” Kane tells “I was trying to figure out my birth plan and was just hoping to get more information.”

Moments later, the interior designer in Michigan experienced her first social media dogpile.

“People were like, ‘You could be left paralyzed,’ ‘You could have nerve damage,’ ‘There are 100 things that could go wrong,’” Kane recalls. “Everybody was jumping down my throat for even having mentioned medication. It was all this fearmongering."

But Kane is having the last laugh. Earlier this year, she began making parody videos about mom-shaming on Facebook — and they're resonating with parents everywhere.

In one clip, Kane plays a mom who is excited to introduce her newborn to the world.

“I gave birth to my new son via C-section two days ago,” Kane, who is holding a doll, announces. “Just wanted to let everybody know that we’re happy and healthy.”

She then acts out the replies, with each commenter balancing a different object on their head.

“Well, technically that’s not giving birth. But he’s very cute.”

“LOL — right? When she said she gave birth and had a C-section in the same sentence?”

“I’m sorry, are we in high school now? Are we going to talk about her like she’s not here?”

“What does she expect? This is a public group.”

“Congrats. I gave birth to all five of my children in the comfort of my own home.”

“OK. Would you like a gold star?”

“I don’t know why so many people are so quick to jump to C-sections when natural births are just so much more rewarding.”

“Why do you care about the birthing methods of a stranger?”

“Childbirth is the natural thing a woman can do.”

“Yeah, and sometimes that happens via C-section.”

“It’s not childbirth unless you’re delivering vaginally.”

“What a shame that hospitals continue to push C-sections on women.”

“Yes, how dare they use lifesaving surgery.”

“That’s just what doctors tell you so that they can charge you for an expensive surgery.”

Kane also addresses topics including breastfeeding vs. formula feeding, sleep training and childcare (sample response: “Have you considered staying home instead of having a stranger raise your baby?”). She says the comments are not copied verbatim from any group, but things she's seen over the years.

“Mom groups can be wonderful, supportive places, you just have to find the right one," Kane tells “Just never post your kid eating, sitting in a car seat or anything that has to do with sleep. If you do that, all hell is going to break loose." Related video:

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