Women Are Faking Orgasms To Get Out Of Coercive Sex, Study Finds


[Photo: Pexels]

According to a new study, women are increasingly faking orgasms for one particular reason - but perhaps not the one we’d expect.

Research conducted by two Canadian universities, Ryerson University and St Thomas University, found that women are faking in order to stop sex that they don’t want to endure.

Depending on how you look at this, it can be considered a pretty unsettling discovery; though none of the women who were assessed in the study ever used the words “rape” or “coercion”, the sex they described sounded pretty characteristic of those two things.


[Photo: Pexels]

It means that women often feel more comfortable pretending to climax, and ending sex that way, than simply asking their partners to stop.

Keep in mind that only 15 women aged between 19 and 28 were assessed for the study, which isn’t many. But every single one of them recalled a time they wanted a sexual experience to come to an end.

The women originally described the sex in this scenario as “bad sex”, but once they elaborated, seemed to consider faking as the only way of getting out of an unpleasant encounter.

Remember, folks - if you’re having sex but would rather call it a day, you have every right to do so.

What do you think about these findings? Tweet us at @YahooStyleUK.

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