Woodland Park Zoo highlights why bats and bugs aren’t so spooky after all

When you think of Halloween, ghosts, ghouls, witches, and skeletons may come to mind. But the Woodland Park Zoo says some commonly misunderstood creatures get a undeserved bad reputation because of the holiday.

That includes bats and bugs! Zoo officials say insects outnumber people 1.4 billion to one, and are critical to our survival. Bugs play an important role by pollinating plants, adding nutrients to the soil, and balancing bug populations.

As for spiders, they’re not quite as scary as we might think.

“In general, spiders don’t pose much of a threat,” Woodland Park Zoo’s Maria Buckner told KIRO 7. “They are much more afraid of us then we are of them.”

Meanwhile, zoo officials say bats are also essential to ecosystems. The mammals work as pollinators, seed dispersers, and pest controllers.