Woody convenience center on the move

Jul. 15—The Tennessee Department of Transportation has made big plans for expanding Hwy. 127 from Crossville to Potato Farm Rd.

One of the things state officials didn't take into consideration was the solid waste convenience center in the Woody community. Conrad Welch, Cumberland County solid waste director, told county commissioners on the environmental committee last week that service to residents won't be affected while the center is moved to a rented 200-by-200-foot site at the Stout farm in northern Cumberland County.

"We will not be closing that center," he emphasized. "It will stay open the whole time."

Costs are yet to be determined. Welch said funds transferred from last year's county budget will cover site work, and the existing building will be taken apart and moved during the center's regularly scheduled Wednesday closures.

"The layout there is going to be similar to what we have at the Big Lick center, where you can drive and dump your stuff into a trash bin without having to carry it in," Welch said.

Work for now, however, is at a standstill until the state comes forward with an offer on the land. Welch said they are now waiting on site surveying.

In a related matter, the committee gave Ben Lomand permission for an easement near the Baker's Crossroads convenience center.

In other business, the committee voted to adopt the 2018 International Building Code with the exclusion of a energy code. The same code and exclusion is the minimum required by the state.

They also approved to lower the speed limit at Cumberland Lakes to 30 mph. The property owners association in the area is to pay for the speed limit signs.