A Word of Advice from the FDA: Don't Eat Glitter

The Food and Drug Administration has a lot going on these days, folks. It’s recalling blood pressure medications and keeping an eye on Big Tobacco becoming Big Cannabis. Do they really have to remind people not to eat glitter?

Apparently so.

A consumer update issued Friday by the FDA warns consumers to ensure that anything they put on cookies, cupcakes or other goodies this holiday season is, in fact, safe to eat.

While there are some glitters and dusts designed to be used on foods, some internet sites are implying that non-edible varieties can be used as well. The FDA warns consumers to ensure that a list of ingredients is on the label of anything before they use it in their cooking. (Simply saying “non toxic” isn’t good enough.)

“Many decorative glitters and dusts are sold over the Internet and in craft and bakery supply stores under names such as luster dust, disco dust, twinkle dust, sparkle dust, highlighter, shimmer powder, pearl dust, and petal dust,” the agency wrote. “There are some glitters and dusts that are edible and produced specifically for use on foods. These products are made from ingredients that may be safely eaten. But others may not.”

The glitter consumption warning comes just days after the FDA Commissioner warned against eating raw cookie dough, citing salmonella and E.coli risks.
