When words wound: Children who are victims of bullying need adults' support

By Chris Worthy

Words don’t leave bruises, but ask any adult who was bullied as a child – they will tell you that the scars are tough to overcome.

Children who are victims of bullying need adult support.

Michael Sierra, child and adolescent psychiatrist for Prisma Health Upstate, said families should start by understanding what bullying is and what it’s not. Sometimes children will say they are being bullied but they may actually mean physical assault is taking place.

“When I hear the word bullying, I'm thinking another peer is using their words to try to hurt the child's feelings,” he said. “But that does not include physical confrontations or threats of physical violence.”

Bullies are trying to gain power.

“What a bully is trying to do psychologically is they're trying to feel like they're more powerful than a particular peer by getting a reaction, usually in the form of sadness or anger,” Sierra said. “If you respond in that way, they feel like words have power.”

The best – and most difficult – way to respond is to ignore it, dismiss it with a shrug or laugh it off.

“That actually can make the bully feel kind of small and look elsewhere,” Sierra said. “But unfortunately, we know that kids that are more sensitive and prone to getting upset tend to be kind of found by bullies.”

Bullying can start in young children, but Sierra said middle school seems to be the peak.

“I think that's a time where the child is idealizing their parents less and less and wanting to fit in socially more and more – just developmentally, that's what starts to happen as they come of age,” he said. “So, they really put a lot of weight in their peer group and what they think of them.”

One key difference from a generation ago is that children can’t escape bullying now that social media follows them everywhere.

“The bullying doesn't stop when the bell rings because there's so much bullying that happens online,” Sierra said. “Rumors and bullying and falling out doesn't stop at school. Sometimes home was a refuge, but now it just continues. What I see happen a lot is the parent or the child will bring up the fact that there's bullying going on at school once and hope that change is implemented immediately. Usually, I think schools struggle to handle it as well as they wish they could, so it does sometimes take repeated problem solving with the school.”

Sierra said it is important to address the issue as often as needed to make sure a child is safe. Understand the specifics.

“How many bullies are there? Is it one? Is it five? Is there a way to create distance? Is there a way to separate from this bully?” Sierra said. “If you haven't developed a temperament where you can brush it off and ignore it or use humor, sometimes they'll feel like they can't get to you if you hang around peers or adults. Often they're more likely to bully you if you're alone. Being with your friends with being with adults, leaving the situation as quickly as you can, telling an adult you trust – continue to kind of beat the drum, so to speak, if it continues to happen.”

What if your child is the bully? That’s an important fact to face.

“I usually start with having a discussion about empathy,” Sierra said. “Empathy, for most people, isn't something that we're born with, it's something that needs to be developed.”

Sierra said a large part of childhood socialization is empathy building and learning to make and keep friends.

“How do kids build empathy in general? One, it's modeled within, hopefully, their family and their school and their friends, where there's a lot of healthy conflict resolution, a lot of empathic listening, a lot of controlling negative emotions,” he said. “Also, kids are very motivated to do certain things that can help them gain the capacity to consider someone else's feelings.”

Sierra said an example of that is interacting with pets, since children generally love playing with them, but can understand that playing too hard can hurt. Sibling teasing can be a way to explore that, as well as opportunities like team sports or Cub Scouts.

Ultimately, Sierra said we can be part of a culture that promotes bullying or one that promotes calling it out. He admits, it’s tricky.

“Something that gets missed is promoting the culture of calling a bully out and telling them to stop,” he said. “I think it’s important – using peer pressure to raise people up and build character as opposed to breaking people down and making them feel small.”

  • If a child is struggling, ask for help and teach them to ask for help as well. Reach out to school administrators, guidance counselors and school mental health counselors. All people have the right to feel safe.

  • Sierra recommends the video “How to Stop a Bully” (tinyurl.com/344n8cza), which demonstrates concrete ways to deal with bullies, and it reinforces the difference between hurting feelings and physical assault.

Learn about resources to stop bullying, including cyberbullying and applicable federal laws at stopbullying.gov.

This article originally appeared on Greenville News: Children who are victims of bullying need adults' support