World first: Bonaverde lets you buy coffee beans fresh from the farmer as it roasts, grinds and brews

World first: Bonaverde lets you buy coffee beans fresh from the farmer as it roasts, grinds and brews

First there were coffee machines that let you make a cup-o-Joe fresh by grinding straight from the bean, now it’s gone a step further. In a world first, Bonaverde has announced a coffee machine that roasts, grinds and brews coffee.

Bonaverde aims to change the way coffee is bought by allowing you to get it fresh, straight from the farmer - probably saving you a pretty penny in the process. What’s the catch? At the moment it’s just a Kickstarter project. But the company has been working on this for over two years so it should just be a matter of time and funding before it’s a reality.

Coffee is currently the world’s second most highly traded commodity, made in more than 70 countries. Bonaverde has set its sights on changing this by giving farmers a face, name and community platform where coffee farmers and coffee lovers can Skype, chat and even make business transactions with each other.

Hans Stier, founder of Bonaverde, says: “Our concept is a complete shift away from the established market. We give our customers complete control over the roasting process and ensure that more money goes to where the most value is generated- the coffee farmers.”

If you get over to Kickstarter an early a pledge of $250 (£158) will get you the coffee machine, 6lbs of green coffee beans and a Bonaverde jute bag. Estimated shipping on the coffee machine is October 2014 - ideal for an early planned Christmas present.

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