Worried about being evicted? Here is a list of resources for tenants to get help.

It's no secret that Indiana and Indianapolis in particular have some of the highest eviction rates in the country since the pandemic began, according to data collected by Eviction Lab.

Indiana has had the most number of eviction filings since the start of the pandemic of six states tracked by the group, while Indianapolis has the seventh most number of filings of 31 cities for which the group collects data.

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IndyStar compiled a list of places where tenants facing eviction can get help. It includes rental assistance, free legal aid, and eviction information resources.

Rental assistance

The federal government gave municipalities and states an unprecedented amount of funding for COVID-19 emergency rental assistance starting in 2020. But the local and state rental assistance programs in Indiana have started to scale back, with some closing to applications entirely.

Here are the programs currently in existence in the state:

IndyRent: Tenants who live in Marion County and are facing active eviction may apply for emergency rental assistance through the city's IndyRent program. In addition, tenants must:

  • Be a renter in Marion County

  • Have experienced a reduction in employment income (or self-employment business income) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Must be a household at or below 80% of the area median income and be at risk of housing instability, such as having back rent or utility payments owed. The area median income values can be found on the IndyRent website.

Hamilton County Emergency Rental Assistance: Tenants in Hamilton County are currently unable to apply for emergency rental assistance as the portal is closed. The website encourages tenants to call their township trustee if they need assistance.

Indiana Emergency Rental Assistance: Tenants who do not live in the above counties would normally have been able to receive emergency rental assistance from the state-led program, but the program has paused accepted applications. Tenants can sign up at the program website to receive notice of when the portal resumes accepting applications.

Tenants can also call their local township trustee's office to see if they are eligible for rental and utility assistance.

Free legal aid

Tenant Advocate Program: Indianapolis' year-old tenant advocate program provides tenants facing eviction with free legal assistance and help applying for rental assistance. If tenants go to court for an eviction hearing, they can look for in-person attorneys and rental assistance navigators at all of Marion County's small claims courts except for Decatur Township. The program collaborates with Indiana Legal Services.

Indiana Legal Services: This nonprofit law firm provides free civil legal assistance to eligible low-income Hoosier residents. Residents of Indiana can apply for legal help online at their website or apply by phone at 844-243-8570 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Applicants must meet income eligibility guidelines, which generally is that incomes are within 125% of federal poverty guidelines, which varies by household size. For example, the income limit is $1,416 a month for a 1-person household and $1,907 for a 2-person household.

But, Indiana Legal Services interim housing director Andrew Thomas said, there can be exceptions that would qualify tenants for another grant called the Housing Stability Grant Fund administered by the Indiana Bar Foundation. In this case, there are no income requirements, so individuals won’t be denied assistance from that grant based on their income.

Regardless, Thomas encouraged tenants to call Indiana Legal Services if they need help and think they might be eligible for benefits.

Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic: Attorneys at this nonprofit can offer information and assistance for tenants facing issues with their landlord. Priority is given to tenants whose incomes are within 125% of federal poverty guidelines but tenants facing eviction can receive some legal counsel, regardless of their income, where resources allow.

Eviction expungement: Tenants with past eviction filings against them that were dismissed can also seek legal help to expunge the filing from their record, thanks to a new law that took effect on July 1.

To seal an eviction filing, tenants must fill out a form and submit it to the court where the case was filed. They can obtain a copy of the form at indianalegalhelp.org, which is a project of the Indiana Supreme Court and Indiana Bar Foundation, or ask the court where their case was filed and what they need to do to seal the eviction.

Tenants in need of help could also receive free legal assistance for evictions from Indianapolis Legal Aid Society, Pro Bono Indiana, Legal Aid of Evansville, Legal Aid Corporation of Tippecanoe County and the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

Eviction resources

Eviction Lab tracks evictions across Indiana and tenants can view the top evicting apartment complexes in Indianapolis on their eviction tracking site.

An IndyStar investigation in 2021 also unearthed the top 100 evicting landlords and properties in Indianapolis during the first nine months of the year.

Renting in Indiana Handbook: Tenants can access a free 2020 handbook by Indiana Legal Services, Housing4Hoosiers coalition and South Central Indiana Housing Opportunities.

Contact IndyStar reporter Ko Lyn Cheang at kcheang@indystar.com or 317-903-7071. Follow her on Twitter: @kolyn_cheang.

This article originally appeared on Indianapolis Star: Indiana eviction resources: Free legal aid, rental assistance, data