Worried about porch pirates this holiday season? Here's some tips to avoid becoming a victim

Columbus police were searching earlier this year for a man they believed was involved in stealing a package from a resident's doorstep.
Columbus police were searching earlier this year for a man they believed was involved in stealing a package from a resident's doorstep.

With more and more people taking advantage of the convenience to do their holiday shopping online, the number of packages delivered by Amazon, FedEx, UPS and the U.S. Postal Service to porches will continue to increase.

Thieves who target these purchases, commonly called "porch pirates," are known to become more frequent and daring with more packages being delivered around the holidays.

Here are some tips to avoid becoming a victim of porch pirates this holiday season:

Avoid leaving packages unattended

If you get a package delivered to your home, be there to accept the delivery if possible. Leaving a package unattended on a porch can seem like an invitation for thieves.

Take advantage of tracking tools

Most online retailers provide information for a buyer to be able to track their purchase. Shipping companies, such as UPS, FedEx and Amazon, have similar tools online for those expecting packages.

Pay attention to the tracking information for scheduled delivery dates and times to know when a package might be arriving.

Some companies require a signature from someone accepting the package. Utilizing this option can ensure that you receive the package directly.

Take advantage of in-store pickup options where available

To avoid having a package delivered to your home, take advantage of in-store or curbside pickup options. Many stores allow for items to be sent to a store, although it may take a few extra days.

Other retailers, like Amazon, have pickup lockers or locations where items can be picked up at your convenience in a secure location.

Have packages delivered to a location with people present

When ordering an item online with no option for in-store pickup, have the package delivered to a place where there are people who will be there. A neighbor's home, a relative or friend who can ensure they will be available when the package delivered.

Having a package delivered to a workplace, if your employer allows that, is also an option.

Don't hide porch deliveries or other items in visible spot in a vehicle

If you are attempting to hide a gift from someone who lives with you, be sure to avoid taking the item from your porch or putting store purchases in a vehicle in a visible place.

Thieves who see an item of value on the seat of a car or in another visible place in a vehicle may not hesitate to break out a window and take it.

Keep items in an enclosed trunk or concealed.

A man is seen on surveillance camera stealing a package from the porch of a home on Columbus' Northwest Side. Porch pirates become more prevalent during the holiday season, as more packages are delivered.
A man is seen on surveillance camera stealing a package from the porch of a home on Columbus' Northwest Side. Porch pirates become more prevalent during the holiday season, as more packages are delivered.

If you do become a victim, report it

If a package is stolen from your porch, report it to police and to the retailer. Some companies offer refunds or will resend an item with proof of a police report being filed.

Police can use reports of thefts to look for trends and try to spot thieves who may be focusing their activity in a certain neighborhood. Also, detectives can obtain potential evidence from security cameras or other devices before it may be erased if the theft is reported quickly, potentially leading to the recovery of the stolen items.



This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: How to avoid being a victim of "porch pirate" thieves this holiday