Writers' Corner: What brings you joy?

As I drove to work this morning, the host of the morning radio show posed a question. What brings you joy? It really is an unassuming question, yet the answer is anything but simple.

The question rolled around and fluttered through my neurons like a cross between a child’s ball and a tiny bird. The low, humming sounds made by my tires as they propelled my vehicle down the road vibrated along my spine. The vibrations weren’t jarring, nor did they induce sleepiness. Instead, they sharpened my thoughts. What brings me joy? I contemplated this question throughout the day. It was still on my mind when I returned home after work.

Perhaps a good place to start would be the beginning. I believe it is important to understand the concepts behind the query. So, upon deciding to ride this train of thought to its logical conclusion, I pondered the meaning of the word joy. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines joy as follows:

Joy (1 of 2) noun (joi)

1a: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires : DELIGHT b: the expression or exhibition of such emotion:

GAIETY 2: a state of happiness or felicity: BLISS

3: a source or cause of delight joy (2 of 2) verb (joi)

joyed; joying; joys intransitive verb: to experience great pleasure or delight: REJOICE

From the outside, the definitions for joy are precise and clear. However, the more I consider it, the more I can see that ideas like well-being, success, or good fortune are extremely personal concepts. And what exactly is the prospect of possessing what one desires? That could lean very closely to coveting. On further reflection, I feel it is referring to daydreams along the lines of what one could accomplish if one wins the next big lottery. There is definitely a certain amount of joy to be found dreaming of being able to shower loved ones with gifts.

Most folks would agree that spending time with friends and family brings joy. In my experience, people who are isolated and live alone may be far more likely to suffer depression than those with tight social circles. So I can conclude that having good relationships with other people induces joy. Personally, many of my happiest moments involve folks I love.

Enjoying good health also promotes a sense of well-being and inner peace. Have you ever had one of those weeks where you are under the weather and maybe not enjoying restful sleep? A lack of sleep can lead to brain fog. Illness can cause crankiness and moodiness. In a brief few days, you may end up feeling depressed. Once the body recovers and sleep is restored your spirits are lifted as if by magic! Yes, well-being does bring joy.

The notions of success and good fortune often bring to mind financial rewards or good-luck charms. As I stated earlier, I believe these concepts are personal to each of us. There isn’t any benchmark that proves beyond all doubt you have achieved success. Is success a dollar figure, or a leadership position? Maybe success is found along the journey, in all of the small steps and endeavors. Perhaps, by finishing that book, completing a project, or cleaning out underneath the bed, success can be yours.

I have to share one of my success stories. I have been spending a bit of my spare time crocheting an afghan. One hundred squares of brightly colored yarn has become a work of art. The other day, I lay down upon my bed and pulled the nearly complete blanket over myself. I experienced a childlike happiness so intense a giggle escaped the silly grin covering my face. Pure joy! And to think, it was only Tuesday!

TIP: Get out there and talk to people. Everyone has a story.

BIO: Christine Cox lives in southwest Michigan. She would love hearing from you. She can be contacted at christine.cox37@yahoo.com.

— The Sturgis Writers’ Mill exists to create a community of writers who constructively encourage, support, and challenge each other as they discover their unique voices. Any opinion expressed is solely that of the author.

This article originally appeared on Sturgis Journal: Writers' Corner: What brings you joy?